3: Rule number 1

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Second week of school and I was already dreading it. Honestly, after that ill-fated encounter with my new Law teacher Mr Hwang, I seriously did not feel like going to school. But, looks like rule number 2 had pretty much forced me to get my lazy ass out of bed and get to school.

I check the time. 8:12. Lesson started at 8:30 and it takes me at least 15 minutes to get to school. As quickly as I could, I slipped into my vans and rushed out my door.

Half way, I check the time again. 8:22. Shit. 8 minutes and I wasn't even on campus yet. Looks like I had to run.

Possibly looking like a penguin, I sped-walked onto campus, into school, through the hallways in Block E and made it to classroom E12. As I got to my classroom, I notice that the class was full and every student had made it on time. I guess I was late, again.

Mr Hwang clicked his tongue and approached me with his arms behind his back.

"A bit better than last time but still late by... a minute and 49 seconds. Looks like we need to work for a little longer after school, don't you think?" He said with disappointment.

I was about to snap back but then I remembered rule number 3 - No talking back. Something I was so bad at. It was difficult to keep my mouth shut in front of my him - my words would urge to always battle past my gritted teeth.

I sit at my seat, silently, being obedient to my dickhead teacher. I had noticed that instead of a handsome face, a rather beautiful face was next to me. A new seat neighbour I guess.

Her hair was a ravishing, silky, dark black styled in a high ponytail. Eyes were a deep, dark brown, which I assume would cast a spell on every boy or even girl in the school. Her skin was a golden shade; slightly lighter than mine, but it was glowing, literally. And I mean her highlight was POPPING. Her lips were painted a velvety red and they really stood out as they were quite plump. Highlighting her whole face were those round glasses which masked her spell-casting eyes.

(Outfit: )

"Uhm, am I that sexy that you have been staring at me for like 10 minutes? Sorry but I'm straight

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"Uhm, am I that sexy that you have been staring at me for like 10 minutes? Sorry but I'm straight." I awoke from my admiration's by a soft chuckle. "I'm your new seatmate since Minho wanted to move at the back." Her lips curved into the most friendliest and warmest smile that I've seen ever since I moved to this school.

"I'm Song Luna and I actually joined about a week ago so nice to meet you-"

"Kim Arianna. Nice to meet you Luna." She said in a sugar-sweet voice, offering a handshake.

"Well it's great to meet you, Arianna. Hey, can you show me round the school because Mr Hwang always complains about me bein-" I suddenly cut off my sentence as I was startled by the trembling of my desk. I noticed two large hands on my desk and a strong smell of aftershave.

"Luna. Rule number 1. No talking in my class!" Mr Hwang's voice was loud but not quite a yell. "Looks like we need to spend a little more time after school so you properly understand my rules." He raised his brows, giving me a look before he turned away and continued teaching the class.

I bit my tongue hard, refraining myself from snapping back. Pretty sure I wasn't the only one talking as the rest of the class were also mumbling. Some of the things they spoke under their breath was very clear to me - they were talking about the trouble-making new girl.


The lesson passed fairly slowly and during the time I spent in Mr Hwang's classes, I was beginning to lack patience.

Finally the bell had rung, indicating the end of the lesson and everyone rushed out of the prison-like classroom. As I got out the classroom, I felt someone's hand grab onto mine. The warmth of her touch managed to keep me calm from storming off.

"Hey... I'm sorry for getting you in trouble." She said in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay Arianna. Hwang always has something against me." I assure her, being honest.

"Call me Ari. Oh and since it's break, maybe you'd want to hang out with me and my friends?"

"Sure... Ari" I give her a wide smile and accept her invite.


After exploring the school a bit, I was getting more familiar with the never ending hallways in the school and where they lead to. This place was like a palace. The floors were a beige marble and literally reflected my face when I looked down.

Not only that but the walls were irresistibly decorated with a red velvet, embedded into the wallpaper. I wondered what my cheap ass was doing at this prestigious school. Gotta really thank my boss for paying the fees.

After a long time of walking through the never ending hallways, we made it to the library which was astonishing. Every shelf was filled with books. A large, crystal chandelier hung from the tall ceiling. My jaw dropped as I continued to explore it with my new friend.

A few more steps and we had approached the area where Ari and her friends hung out. It was at the deepest corner of the library but honestly I could get used to it. There were so many books to choose from and read.

Around a dark, wooden table sat 2 other girls. I awkwardly sit on the empty seat and greet the girls with a shy smile.

"Guys, this is Luna from my Law class." Ari spoke up first, introducing me to the other two friends.

One of them looked like a literal princess. She had the most perfect facial features which stood out as her long, black hair was tied back in an elegant ponytail. The way she dressed was casual yet feminine.

The girl to my right was honestly snow white

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The girl to my right was honestly snow white. Her skin was soft and pale. Aside from that, she seemed like the shortest but it was cute. She had light brown hair, which looked silky soft and fell to her shoulders. Her style seemed cute but with some sort of hidden sexiness.

The first girl offered a handshake and spoke to me in the most sweetest, honey-like voice

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The first girl offered a handshake and spoke to me in the most sweetest, honey-like voice.
"Well hello Luna, I am Bae Yuna." She said, pushing her ponytail back.

"And I'm Choi Maya." The shortest one greeted me.

"Well Yuna, Maya, Arianna, I hope we get along well and you let me hang out with you." I say, finally.

"You can hang out with us whenever you want!" The short one spoke again in an attractive and bubbly voice.

"Yeah... I could tell we are gonna be very close friends."

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