6: Epiphany

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I turn away
and close my heart -
to the promise of love
that is luring.


The next few days seemed to have gotten more and more difficult. I felt as if the longer I was away from him, the more I missed him. The harder I fell for him. The clearer the reality became. I knew my darkness was slowly engulfing every corner of my mind; even the only place which had the dimmest light. My only potential to change.

I was sitting in class, casually admiring the one of many views in the classroom from the front desk. His eyes would meet mine but he'd break his gaze. No band-aid could fix the breaking of my heart.

"Hey, the bell's gone... You feelin' okay?" Arianna placed a hand on my shoulder. I just gave a simple nod as we leave the classroom.

"Lu, I can tell you're lying. Besides... there are other guys..." She continued as we walked through the crowded hallway.

"Fine you got me but... I actually like... like h-"

"Oh my goodness! Can you watch where you're going?!" Someone practically yelled in my face after bumping into me.

"Sorry but you don't have to be so rude." I mumble.

"Me? Rude? I'm literally the nicest person here. You're the rude one for getting in my way, slut!" The girl with dusty brown hair barked back in the most snobby tone.

"I don't even-" 'Know you' was what I was going to continue with but her features looked to familiar despite the fact that they looked more mature. Then it clicked. Even more of my haunting past being revealed to me. Of course, how could I have ever forgotten about this biotch in the first place?!

"Don't even what, new girl?!"

"Listen, Choi Yejin or Miss Student council president. You're wasting my time because I have an English lesson to go to." I respond, nudging her out my way.

"Yeah well thanks for wasting my time, SLUT!" She yelled across the hallway, loud enough for everyone to hear.


"You what!?" Maya leaned closer to hear my words. I couldn't believe I was spilling the truth about myself for once. This would probably the most disbelieving revelation anyone would hear.

"Just a dark past which pretty much took my virginity." I tried to speak casually, not being too explicit. I wouldn't want to spill any of the bloody details. Worst of all, I wouldn't want to break down in front of them. I'm a strong girl.

As I pretty much feel the unease pressuring me, someone places their hand over mine. A tear threatens to spill from my dry eyes, but I blink it away.

"Lu, you're not the only one with a dark past... Pretty sure we all do." Arianna comforted me with her sweet words. "You ever wondered who put this 20 karat diamond ring on my finger?" I shook my head, not knowing why she has some engagement ring looking ring on her ring finger. "Yes bitch I have a fiancé and I'm engaged at this age. Don't worry I ain't getting married until after I finish uni." She said with a reassuring voice.

"So, how does this link to a dark past? Surely it ain't that bad."

"Let's just say I was a whore and I thought well why not change and find someone who actually likes me, not for my body but for... who I actually am. I met a guy called Kim Taehyung who actually loves me. Not like those dickheads who fuck girls over. Oh and in case you didn't know, I'm a proud feminist hence why am leader of the schools 'feminist cult'." She said quite confidently and proudly as if it was a speech. Must I say, I was surprised at her confidence despite seeming like a timid and shy girl. She was quite modest at times and no I never knew she was a feminist.

"I agree because I'm literally just as naive or probably even more naive than Ari." Maya suddenly spoke up.

"A quick story time. My naivety has made me end up in hospital numerous times. The hospital is literally my second home. And... don't do drugs." She silenced herself after her short story. Seems as if there wasn't much to her dark past. Naivety can cause the biggest downfall sometimes though.

"You think that's bad? I was basically that spoilt, mean rich bitch." Yuna spoke up, interrupting the short yet eerie silence.

"And...? Not as bad as me and besides... no offence but you don't seem to look like a person with so much wealth?"

"Are you judging my taste in fashion? Excuse me but this Balenciaga scarf is one of their latest runway pieces."

"Ok... I feel poor."

"I'm half kidding. I don't usually flash my wealth and don't like to brag about the fact that my family are some of the biggest developers in the whole country. I'm Bae Yuna, a humble 18 year old striving to become a humble doctor and save many lives."

Her last statement made me giggle a bit. Rich kids can be humble. No sarcasm. Absolute truth!

"Okay but, how is a bad thing to be crazy rich?"

"Being raised to think you're socially superior to anyone else. My shitty and snobby personality drove an innocent girl, who was suffering, to suicide. I practically murdered someone by thinking I was better than anyone else. I don't mind if you talk about how much of a bitch I was but just acknowledge the fact that I've changed. I'm not heartless and cold. I did and still do feel guilty. It haunts me..." Yuna really bravely and courageously admitted. I was shocked and so was everyone else sitting around the table.

Me and Yuna were somehow able to relate. Both stained with someone else's blood on our hands. Except, mine more than one. I held her hand and squeezed it tightly as she burst out in tears.

Slowly we were revealing secrets to each other knowing later there would be a greater epiphany.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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