4: He's kinda hot tho

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Three weeks into school and me, Ari, Maya and Yuna had already developed a sisterly bond. 

Finally, the end of the day had approached and oh how I longed to just go home and sleep but I had an hour with Hwang after school. I sigh as I had arrived in front of Mr Hwang's classroom; the classroom's eerie and dull atmosphere already welcoming me before I even step foot into it.

"How come you aren't able to come to the cinema with us?" Yuna whined like a child. 

"Well... I have an hour with Mr Hwang every day to be taught on his rules. At least until I know them." I frown.

"Mr Hwang? As in the hot, sexy teacher Mr Hwang? Girl, you are the luckiest!" Maya suddenly squealed with a wide grin on her face.

"I mean yeah I admit he is hot but am I lucky? Hell no- "

"Busy, are you girls? I suggest you go home now and Luna, you can come inside now." A familiar male voice spoke from behind me. Fuck. Shit. Fuck my life. I could feel blood rush up to my cheeks and my face burn with embarrassment. Did he just hear what I said?

As I mentally slap myself, I could hear the giggles coming from the girls. Ari made sure she gave me a wink before she left with the other girls. Taking a deep breath, I turn around to face the person I was just talking about.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, sir." I mumbled with my head down. Shoving passed him with my head still kept down, I rush to my seat and settle down.

As soon as he begun his lecture on his rules, I daze off continuously thinking about what I had just said. I mean, how can I admit to such a thing? My mind was chaos and I was beginning to overthink about my statement. Questions invaded my mind and most of all regret and embarrassment.  

"Luna, are you even paying attention?!" He suddenly yelled causing me to snap back to reality. 

"Y-yeah." I lied, trying to avoid his gaze. At this point, it was so awkward as he was so close my desk. 

"What's rule number 14?" 

"Erm... No swearing?" I assume. 

"Wrong. That's rule number 9. Rule number 14 is pay attention to the speaker at all times, which is ironic as you seem to be dazing off instead. Lost in your thoughts?" His face moves closer to mine as he tries to search for my gaze beneath my messy, black threads. My teacher was inches away from my face now and I could feel my cheeks heat up so immensely that he can probably feel the heat radiating off my burning skin. "Your cheeks are red. You feeling alright?" He breaks the silence. 

"Y-yes sir. I-I'm fine." I stutter - Wait. Why am I stuttering? Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden? For goodness sake, Luna he's your teacher! 

He chuckles.

"If you are somewhat embarrassed about the comment you made earlier, don't be because first of all, I get that a lot. Most of the girls in this school make it too obvious when they're talking about me." His tone softens. I feel as though his hard exterior was beginning to crack. 

"Second, I'm not offended by your second point. I respect how you feel about me. You know, to be honest, I think I'm the luckiest." He stops. I wanted to hear him like this for just a little longer. Deep down, I was eager to know more and to hear his gentle voice speak again. 

"What do you mean, you're the luckiest?" I finally speak without a stutter. I was finally able to look him in the eye this time and gosh his eyes was captivating. It's so wrong for me to feel this way but a part of me wanted to stare into him, differently. As someone else to him. Possibly much more than just a student. 

"I'm really glad to have you as my student and the luckiest to have you spend some time after school with me." 

"Really? Why is that?" I was surprised yet curious to know why after all I did was be rude to him ever since I came here. 

"The first time I saw you, I thought you were... Unique. Over the past few weeks I've learnt that although you are rebellious and confident, you're also fragile. You like to hide yourself. Most of all you seem really determined to strive for your goals." The sincerity in his tone was very clear but for some reason, with every word he spoke, he took a step back.

"What are you? Stalker, mind reader? You read right through me." A smile creeps onto my face. I get out my chair and skip towards him. "Sir, now I want to know about you!" I demand, simply out of my curiosity. 

"Well, what do you want to know about me?" 

"How about we start with your first name?" I suggest.

"Hyunjin." He replied with a soft smile. His gaze burned into mine. We were now looking at each other but not the way a student and teacher should. It felt like something much more than that; a burning passion; some sort of affection. But this feeling was restricted by the law. Who knew that just in this moment, the way I looked at Mr Hwang, would change? 

"You know what, Hyunjin? Maybe I do like you after all and I am the luckiest student to have one on one sessions with the most attractive guy in school." Did I just say that?! How could I be so straightforward?! Worst of all, my darkness was beginning to overcome me. That same darkness form two years ago. That same darkness I tried to keep hidden. 

I step forward with every step he took back until finally he hit the edge of his desk and sat down. I realise I was now standing between his legs. (A/N No, not to do something else and not in that way if you get what I mean?)

"Luna, what are you doing?" There was a sign of worry on his expression. 

"I'm beginning to like you, sir." 

"What if someone sees us like this - this close - in this position?!" 

"Don't care." I shrugged before pressing my lips against his. 

Who knew I would be kissing the teacher I hated 15 minutes ago?

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