Chapter 1:

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Authors note: This is one person's experience with a mental illness. Please do not diagnose yourself based on this story, please seek professional help either way. Also don't be discouraged if you have this mental illness and it doesn't line up with how it is with your own head. Everyone is different with their experiences with the mental illness

Hi, my name is Christine Airington, I am a undiagnosed Schizophrenic. And this is my story from my senior year of high school.

The bell rings in my high school from my last class, that being Government. I walk out of class and into the bright yellow hallway, keeping to myself as I make my way to my locker on the second floor. Most people at this time stop at friends lockers and chat and make after school plans. For me this is different, I don't particularly have many friends. I have acquaintances and people I know. Some from class and some from a Robotics club I'm apart of in my high school. Our season is over tho for the most part, it's coming to an end.

But, we still have one more competition left to go to. In this club we have three teams, the Titans, the Olympians and the Muses. The Muses being an all girl group is my team and I'm the "leader" of this team, being the oldest and most experienced. We're not supposed to have "leaders" per say, but my girls have deemed its fitting for me. Our competition is this Saturday.

I put my stuff away in my locker, and walk out to the parking lot to find my car. I see many people laughing and talking together and forming groups whilst waiting for their rides home. I find my car in the second row where I always park if it's available. I get into my cute adorable blue pick up, and drive off to my home not far from school.

Entering my house, my mom is found on the couch watching either the news or a crime tv show. "How're you?" She asks me as I come in the side door of the house. "I'm good" I say. It's not technically a lie if you ask me, I am good, at the moment.

I walk up our spiral staircase to my room, being the third child somehow I got the second biggest room in the house, with its high ceiling and its large adorning bathroom. I know my sisters are jealous but their at college or living by themselves, not at home. I've always had the second largest room next to my parents, not entirely sure why. But nonetheless I enjoy the room. I make my way to my desk, turn on my laptop and go to YouTube and watch until dinner. I do my math homework when I know I need to and I've spent too much time doing nothing.

Dinner is a blur. In this house sometimes we sit together, sometimes we sit in different rooms, and sometimes we have dinner at totally different times. After dinner I head to my room, take a shower lay in bed, it's about 7pm, not late at all, but the rest is unknown to me. I have forgotten, cause that's what they do to me...

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