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I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in some sort of hospital room. I narrow my eyes in confusion as I look to my right and see Joel was in a bed next to me, but not only that I also saw Marlene sitting in a chair next to his bed. Joel starts to come to and he looks over at me then over to Marlene. 

"Welcome to the Fireflies." She greets as we look over at her. "Sorry about the..." she said as she gestures over to a couple of guards, that were standing near our beds. "They didn't know who you guys were." She said. "And Ellie?" I asked her. "She's alright. They brought her back." Marlene replied then she looks us over.

"You two came all this way... How'd you guys do it?" She asked us. "It was her. She fought like hell to get here." Joel replied and I let out a small chuckle. "Maybe it was meant to be." I said. "I lost most of my crew crossing the country. I pretty much lost everything. And then you two show up and somehow we find you guys just in time to save her. Maybe it was meant to be." She said as both Joel and I start to sit up.

"Take us to her." Joel said to Marlene. "You guys don't have to worry about her anymore. We'll take care of--" Marlene started to say but I talk over her. "We worry. Just let us see her, please." I begged and she looks between us as Joel and I stand up and walk in front of her. "You can't. She's being prepped for surgery." She replied as she stands up from her chair. "The hell you mean, surgery?" Joel asked her, confused.
"The doctors tell me that the cordyceps, the growth inside her, has somehow mutated. It's why she's immune. Once they remove it, they'll be able to reverse-engineer a vaccine." She said. Then she smiles and let's out a small laugh of relief. "A vaccine." She repeats in a whisper.

"But it grows all over the brain." Joel said.

"It does." Marlene said and Joel and I stare at her in shock. No...no...no...this can't be happening! They can't just kill her! I thought as I shake my head at her. "Find someone else." I told her, firmly. "There is no one else." She replied to me. "Listen, you are gonna show us where--" Joel started to say as he walks closer to her but one of the guards comes up and knocks him down.
"Joel!" I yelled as I go over to him and kneel next to him, my hands on his shoulders.

"Stop. I get it. But whatever it is you two think you're going through right now, it is nothing compared to what I have been through. I knew her since she was born. I promised her mother I would look after her." Marlene said. "Then why are you letting this happen?" I asked her, desperately. "Because this isn't about me. Or even her. There is no other choice here." She said to us.

Joel goes and sits down in front of the chair, Marlene just sat in, and placed his arms on his knee and glares up at Marlene. "Yeah...you keep telling yourself that bullshit." He said to her in a harsh whisper. Marlene glares at us then turns to the two guards. "March them outta here. Either of them try anything, shoot them." She orders her guards then turns to us. "Don't waste this gift, guys." She said and she walks out of the room.

Joel looks down at the ground as I slowly stand up and wrap my arms around myself.
"Get up." One of the guards said to Joel while I look over my shoulder and see the second guard was behind me, aiming his gun at me. "I said get up." The first guard said to Joel, who hadn't moved. He slowly raises his head at the guard and looks over at the guard behind me then gets up.

"Go on. Move." My guard said to me and I slowly start walking out of the room but Joel and I stop at the doorway. "We said move." One of the guards ordered and they shoved their guns against our shoulder. Joel and I glare at them over our shoulder. "Give us an excuse." The second guard said to us.

"Which way?" Joel asked them and they gesture to the left. I sigh at this and we head towards the left where I see mine and Joel's backpack on a counter. I glance over at Joel then I pretend I tripped, Joel stops next to me. "What the fuck you two doin'? Keep walking." One of the guard said as I reach into my sock and slowly pull out a makeshift shiv, that I made earlier.

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