Chapter 6

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Jules and I have an awful habit of coming into work late.

Juliet is usually pretty good by herself, but with two people needing to get ready in the same house, it takes a little longer for some reason.

We came in around 7:30am, half an hour past the time we were supposed to.

Luckily, the chief didn't notice us slip in.

She was in her office while all of the officers from the other stations were standing in the room by the main entrance.

Juliet and I were walking through the door when we saw that we would have to weave through the huge crowd.

She looked uncomfortable; she was shrugging her shoulders and slightly puckering her lips as she walked through the crowd, making her seem even tinier than usual.

I could tell that she was definitely looking around for Lassie.

I was following her through the commotion, when above all the noise there was a deep voice shouting.


She looked up a little bit.

Her entire face lit up.

Lassiter was a few yards away from her, on the side of the room.

Jules ran as fast as she could in her high heels, her arms wide open, ready to hug her old partner.

She finally made it through the crowd, and I watched as she and Lassie hugged for a few seconds.

They started making small talk; Jules kept saying "oh my god" and smiling.

It made me grin to see her this joyful.

After the initial craziness of Juliet and Lassie's reunion, I walked up to them and shook Lassiter's hand.

"Good to see you again, Lassidophilus."

"Spencer," he greeted me, forcing a smile.

He's never been a fan of me.

Luckily, Chief Vick came out of her office, putting a hold on the awkwardness.

She waited until everyone got quiet, and began talking.

"Good morning, officers, detectives, chiefs. I hope you've had a nice trip. As you've been informed, this Thorndale case is a big deal. Therefore, the San Francisco police department has decided to divide all of you up into groups, so more can get done in less time."

She held up a piece of paper.

"Here is the list of the groups. Lawrence, Garfield, Morris and Owen are together. O'Hara, Spencer, Guster, and Lassiter are together..." she said.

The original SBPD team all looked at each other.

Jules was smiling, of course.

The chief continued to list the groups off. When she was done, coincidentally, her phone started ringing from her office.

"Excuse me," she smiled and turned to go into her office.

Everyone in the room turned to each other and chattered quietly.

I turned to Gus.

"Okay, man, so I had this dream last night about Too Close For Comfort- easily the best dream I've had in weeks. Ted Knight-" I was interrupted by the chief walking back into the room. She looked concerned.

"We just got an anonymous tip from a civilian. Thorndale was spotted heading into an old warehouse on Gideon Street about twenty minutes ago. Suit up. Let's go get him."

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