Chapter 14

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I didn't find a lot of differences between moving to San Francisco and leaving it, besides the fact that I actually told Gus about it in person.

He wasn't crazy about the plan.

Luckily, my persuasion skills are almost as good as my observation, so I managed to make a compromise with him.

We agreed that he would move back to San Francisco with me if we opened Psych back up for business.

It was as good a deal as any.

I told the Chief about my resignation from the SFPD and put in my two weeks.

To be honest, I felt a little bad about leaving her all alone in this city with no one from Santa Barbara. But what other choice was there?

I decided to keep my plan from Lassie, just because I thought it would be funny to see his face when he found out I'm back in Santa Barbara.

So the packing began.

Just like everyone else on this planet, I believe that packing is the worst part of any trip, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Packing was tedious, but easy... until I came to the realization that I would have to deal with Jules' stuff.

Being only 35, Jules didn't have a will written down.

I guess if her family wanted anything of hers, they could come over here and get it.

I decided to put off packing Jules' stuff as long as possible, so I stuck with packing mine.

I never realized how many water footballs I had until I found a whole stash of them in the closet.

After packing almost everything of mine, excluding furniture and anything I would need within the next week, I stood on my side of the bedroom, staring at Jules' stuff.

Jewelry, clothes, shoes.

I took a deep breath, decided to face the music, and got to packing for her.

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