The Face Of Decepetion Part 3 ch 26

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"The Face Of Deception Part 3 ch 26"
At General Hospital-Skye's room-Lorenzo was helping Skye back into bed .."Lorenzo ,We need to talk"About what "I have a will it's at ELQ in a safe"Skye ,Don't we don't need that you will be find "Lorenzo if I don't have my mother and Tea to help you with the twins and If you fall in love again it's okay"Lorenzo touch Skye hair,,"You're the only woman for me dead and alive , This heart only love you"Lorenzo kiss Skye,,"You have show me so much and giving me so much "Dr Webber came into the room,."We are ready for the surgery,It will be about six hours and after this Skye you can't drink again "I will not I have five reasons not too"You will need to take off you're wedding ring "Skye took off the ring and give it to Lorenzo who kiss her and holding Skye hand as they took her out to the surgery room and Tea came by.."Tell me Skye going to make it" Skye going to make it,Lorenzo Why don't you show me my new niece and nephew "Sure "

Alan and Monica were looking around as Patrick came by,,"Dr Quartermaine "Patrick,You're home "Yes,Dr Quartermaine It's good to see you"You too "I was wondering if I still have my job here "Yes you do,Is Robin with you"No"As Harrison came by and Dr Drake left.."Harrison,I'm sorry about ruin you're wedding day "I understand why Monica picked you if my late wife came back I would pick her to,Monica I can work here still "Good you're a great doctor "Thanks "Monica and Alan left..

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Olivia we're having breakfast as Tracy came into the room.."Mother ,We have news,Olivia is pregnant "That's wonderful news"Thanks so Mother What is you're next plan"I'm not going after ELQ if you think that I want to do something else "Like What"I'm not sure "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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