Ripnuami: Thwpoop has asked Nightmare to sing her a lullaby. Of God......hit it, I guess.......
Nightmare: tWiNkLe, TwInKlE, gO DiE iN A hOlE. YeS sIr, YeS sIr, 3 MeMeZ fUll-
Thwpoop: *recording*
Julia: *ded*
Ripnuami: *close to being ded* REAPER!
Reaper: wut? *walks in with suitcases*
Ripnuami: where dafuq were u?
Reaper: at Geno's house, with Geno ans Goth??
Thwpoop: *heartbroken choild*
Reaper: what? *genuinely doesn't understand what's happening*
Thwpoop: Reaper Senpai has a waifu? *cri, sniffu*
Ripnuami: *yeets my own scythe at Reaper, knocking his scythe iutta his hand*
Julia: *comforting Thwpoop* dear bean-choild. Its ok, Rip and Julia are here.......
Thwpoop: *exagerated cri*
Ripnuami: *CENSORED*
(Note: everything that I was saying and doing was even to much for this sin-filled book)
Random shit with the badass Sanses
Humor~*(the title says it all)*~ 🚫WARNING!🚫 random shitty stuff included story may include: -Sans shipping -stuff from other stories -cussing -shit in general