Chapter 1- Dylan

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   Dylan didn't move.
   He groaned.
   "Dylan? Please, little dude, wake up!"
   He shifted his body.
   "Dear God, Dyl, I thought you were dead!" The voice was different. Dylan slowly opened his eyes, but closed them quickly because of the bright light. It made him feel like his brain was being stabbed with a million tiny needles. He groaned again. He took a deep breath and tried to open his eyes, but closed them again. On his fourth try, they finally stayed open, except they were unfocused.
   "Hey," he said, suprised by how hoarse his voice sounded. "What's up? Ow! What was that for?"
   "'What's up?'"
   "I think this is why you were never Mom's favorite."
   "Or Dad's."
   "Joshua..." The voice had a warning edge to it.
   By now, Dylan's eyes had focused and crouched next to him were his three older brothers. Matthew, Daniel, and Joshua. Matt, Dan, and Josh.
   Dylan pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Wait, where are we? I was just at school, wasn't I? And some weird dude in red spandex-"
   "Crimson," corrected Dan.
   "The color is actually, um, crimson."
   "Ookaay. Anyways, some weird dude in crimson-" Dylan glanced over at Dan "-chucked a brick at me when I started to walk home aaand...that's all I can remember."
   Josh, out of nowhere, offered Dylan his hand and lifted the younger boy up. "Thanks, I guess?" Dylan said, questioningly.
   "Okay, guys, let's agree not to tell Mom and Dad about this, got it?" Matt said.
   "'Yepperoo'?!" Josh basically died laughing. "What kind of word is that."
   Dylan rolled his eyes. "Shut up," he said. "Just...Like Matt said, don't tell Mom or Dad."

By the time the four got back to their house, Mrs. Paulson stood, hands on hips, waiting for them. "You're late," was all she said before turning around and walking through the front door.
   Okay, Dylan thought. Not as mad as I thought. Maybe Dad will be this way too.
   He was most definitely wrong. Their dad yelled at them, mainly because he was overprotective. Especially when it came to Bianca. Speaking of her, where was she? She wasn't down in the kitchen or the dining room, but the house was awfully large so she could be anywhere.
   "Hey, where's Bianca?" Dan asked.
   "Bianca? I thought she was behind you. Hey, don't you give me that look, mister. You know she can turn invisible. But if she's not with you, where is she?" Mr. Paulson said the last part more to himself than Matt, Dan, Josh, and Dylan.
   "With me." The flat screen TV turned on. A man stood, probably facing a camera to send the message. Muffled shouts and yells were heard in the background.
   "Recluse," growled Mr. Paulson. "Show me Bianca!"
   Recluse stepped aside, showing a girl with long, blonde hair that matched her blue eyes. A few freckles were splashed across her face. A gag looked as if it had been shoved into her mouth and her entire body (except for her head and her feet) was covered with rope. Both ends were tied, and one was suspended her over a vat of Brown Recluse spiders. So unpredictable. Notice the sarcasm.
   "You have twenty minutes, or else..."
   "Or else what?"
   Recluse smiled evily. "You've seen what their bites can do. Twenty minutes," he finished. He then walked off the screen. Then the TV flashed off.
   Mr. Paulson, without even looking at Mrs. Paulson, said, "Call my brother. It's time to suit up."

A/N This is my first story that I'm showing to the world, by the way so I apoligize for it sucking. I will gladly take your advice and please be nice. Oh, that rhymes! Anyways, 74% of you probably won't read this so you're a lot like me. I own the story plot and all the characters and all that jazz.

Peace out. ✌

(I love Emojis)

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