Chapter 8- Matt

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Matt was dozing off. He was back at his homeroom, the last class of the day. Somebody pinched him.
   "Dude, stay awake, Mrs. Boring might chuck an eraser at your head," Kevin hissed.
   Matt glanced at him. "What would an eraser do? They're made out of rubber," he reasoned.
   Kevin looked at him seriously. "Two words. Chalkboard. Eraser."
   "Sometimes you're a life saver."
   Matt got no reply, so he turned his attention back to Mrs. Johnson. His teacher was talking about math and stuff like that.
   Matt sat there, half listening, waiting for school to be over. He had homework. Lots of homework. Thank you, teachers. And why couldn't math just grow up and solve it's on problems? Oh, and algebra? Stop asking people to find your x. He/She left for a reason, now don't ask people y.
   The bell rang. People gathered their stuff and made a mad dash to the door, as it was the last class of the day. Matt's phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking his phone out would probably get it taken away, even though school was over. He sighed and walked back to his dorm with Kevin.
   Once they were there and he was in his room, Matt checked his phone. Dan had texted him.
Dan: You're probably going to call me crazy but...
                                                                                                                                                                          Matt: But what?
Dan: Somebody tried to blow up my freaking school.
   Matt stared at his phone for five minutes before answering, Do you know who it was?
Dan: No, but I caught a glance at the person's hand and...
                                                                                                                                   Matt: Stop leaving me on a cliff-hanger!
Dan: It was on fire. Your the first person I've told. See you later.
   Matt set his phone down and rubbed his temples. He sighed for about five seconds. Seriously Dan? Really? Sometimes you were a real prick. He stood, pocketing his phone once he picked it up. He left his bland colored room, covered with posters of lacrosse teams. His favorite was the Los Angeles Riptide. Walking into the kitchen area, he spied Kevin leaning against a counter by the fridge, holding a pop can in his right hand.
   "Where you headed?" Kevin asked.
   "To see my brother," Matt answered.
   "Which one?"
   "The younger one."
   "Dude, all you brothers are the younger one," Kevin complained.

  "Exactly." Matt threw on his sports jacket, grabbed his car keys, and walked out the door, shutting it behind him, but not before he heard Kevin grumble, "You never told me which brother, though."
   Matt silently laughed to himself. He walked across the campus, the cool wind nipping at his face. He pulled his jacket righter around him as he got to the parking lot. Opening he door, he got in the driver's seat, igniting the engine. After closing the car door, of course. With that, he drove to Dan's school.

A/N Okay, I know this was probably short, but halfway through I lost interest. Don't worry, I'm continuing this, it's just difficult with school, sports, and all that jazz. I'm also making a video, but it's just for me. I might put it on Wattpad if I'm able to.

MQotD: "Yes! Mother of God! I am the King of Five Nights at Freddy's!"

Love this quote. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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