Chapter 4- Bianca

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"Hello, may I help you?" The receptonist didn't look up. When she finally did, she gasped. "Mr. Paulson?! Um, I-I'll get Officer Jacobs, r-right away. Sir," she added hastily.
   Mr. Paulson was well-known throughout Pennsylvania. That meant he had a great amount of respect.
Once Officer Jacobs arrived he waved them over.
   "Ah, I see you've caught Recluse. We'll put him in a cell right away," Officer Jacobs assured. He took Recluse by the scruff of the neck, since he was all tied up. He dragged him down a long, brightly lit hallway. Mr. and Mrs. Paulson followed. Matt, Dan, Josh, Dylan, and Bianca stood there awkwardly.
   "So...How was your day?" Bianca asked.
   "Good. You?" Josh said.
   "It was fine...What about you, Dylan?"
   "Great. How about you, Dan?"
   "Same as always," he answered.
   They were all silent after that semi-awkward conversation.
   Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Paulson came back. Officer Jacobs followed. Recluse wasn't with them.
   "I assure you it wil hold him," Officer Jacobs was telling Bianca's parents.
   "Well," said Mrs. Paulson, "we best be on our way now."
   The two adults said goodbye to the officer and headed out the door. Bianca and her brothers followed them. She teleported them home.
   "Family meeting," Mr. Paulson announced. 
   Bianca groaned. She hated family meetings. Usually, she just had to sit on a chair while playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Dylan and hear her other brothers and parents drone on and on about their hero work.
   She and Dylan sat in their usual spots and got ready to start the first game.
   Rock, paper, scissors...Shoot! Dyaln and Bianca mouthed. He did scissors and Bianca did paper. Dylan smiled smugly. Bianca rolled her eyes. They continued this until the family meeting was over.
   "No fair, you guys didn't get in trouble," pouted Josh. He crossed his arms and huffed.
   Bianca laughed and punched his shoulder playfully. "Oh, don't you worry you're pretty, little face, I got as much as you guys."
   "Wait. Did you just say my face was pretty?"
   "It's an expression," she explained, but Josh was hearing none of it. He smirked and zoomed up the stairs, saying, "You're not allowed to take that back!"

A/N It's Friday, Friday, I really hate that song~ Anyways, hi, me again, obviously an Author's Note. Right now, it feels awkward to write these things because nobody's really read this story. I think I'm going to do this 'My Quote of the Day' thing. I'll write down a quote and you guys will have to guess who said it.

MQotD: "But I make these high heels work."


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