Chapter 3- Bianca

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Bianca hung above the spiders. She tried to teleport, but the ropes didn't allow her to. Those stupid spiders were now going to be forever haunting her nightmares. Again, stupid spiders.
   As soon as Recluse shut off the video thing, Bianca started to shout muffled things even a sailor would cringe at.     Hey, her parents weren't there to listen, and she just got freaking kidnapped. Cut her some slack.
   Recluse looked at her, amused. "Might want to watch your mouth," he said.
   Bianca rolled her eyes. She gave him a death glare.
   Recluse's smile faded.
   Suddenly, there was a loud crash. Recluse's head whipped to the sound fast, and he ran to the noise. Bianca hoped somebody would untie her.
   She turned her head to the right, and nearly yelled, but couldn't because of the gag (she also, for some weird reason, couldn't spit it out). A boy, proably a couple years older than her, was hanging from the same rope that suspended her.
   "Shh," he whispered as he took out her gag and threw it away. "I'm here to rescue you."
   To Bianca's left, she heard a big commotion. The boy, however, didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he focused on getting.
   "Yes!" he whispered-yelled.
   And then they fell.
   But then their direction changed because the boy somehow managed to flip them or something towards the outside of the vat. He took the impact.
   "Oof," he grunted. Bianca landed on top of him. She realized how close they were. She was probably a tomato by now. He was also blushing like mad.
   "I-I'm Bianca. I never caught your name," she said, silently cursing herself for stuttering.
   The boy smirked. "Well I never threw it."
   "Derek?" a voice questioned at the same time a familiar voice said, "Bianca! Get off that boy right now!"
   If Bianca wasn't a tomato before, she was now. She quickly got up, along with the boy, still blushing.
   Her parents stood shocked (well, her dad was mostly angry) and Recluse looked betrayed.
   "Your grounded!" Mr. Paulson and Recluse shouted at the same time. They glared at each other. There was another crash. Four figures dropped down from a vent.
   "Okay, guys, we get Bianca quickly and leave before Mom and Dad catch us," said her oldest brother, Matt.
   "Um, Matt?"
   "What, Dan?"
   "Turn around."
   Matt went wide eyed at the sight of his parents. "Uhhhh." He looked like a fish the way he was opening and closing his mouth.
   "You four are also grounded!" Dad's eyes showed fury. Bianca made a mental note to not bother him when they got home. "Bianca!"
   She bit her lip. Her dad never got this mad. Still she grabbed Josh's hand and Dan's. She teleported everybody minus Derek away.

A/N Hey guys, I'm baaaaaaaaaack! Anyways, the "I never caught your name" "Well I never threw it" joke. The joke is fanficfanatic74's. Check out their stories please.

See ya👐

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