Chapter 2- Dylan

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Dylan always thought his dad's "Suit up!" thing was weird. To him him it just sounded so clichéd, like it should be in a movie.
   Anyways, their uncle Anthony (Tony) was at there house in five minutes. As soon as his car pulled up, Mr. and Mrs. Paulson left. Tony had been instructed to not let Matt, Dan, Josh, and Dylan out of the house.
   "So..." Tony clapped his hands. "What do you guys want to do?"
   "Get the heck out of here and help Bianca," muttered Josh.
   "Joshua, you know you're parents wouldn't want you to try to help," Tony said.
   "We could tie you up," Josh suggested. "I'll get the rope." He stood up and walked to the bookcase. He took a certain book and pulled on it. He stepped back. The bookcase opened, revealing a set of stairs. Josh walked down them.
   "He can't be serious, right?" Tony asked as Dylan mumbled, "So clichéd."
   Josh soon came up with rope.
   "He's serious," confirmed Tony.
   Suprisingly, Tony didn't even try to struggle as he was tied up.
   The four boys turned to leave after their uncle was all tied up, when Tony said, "Wait, before you guys go, at least give me my Burger King, please."
   Dan rolled his eyes and handed him his food.
   "You're welcome."
   Then they all left.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Matt asked.
   "You are never going to let that go, are you?" Dylan said, although he already knew the answer.
   Josh just smirked in return. Dylan knew it was Josh's job as an older brother, seeing that Matt and Dan wouldn't accept his invitation, to tease the living heck out of Dylan. Of course he did it to Bianca too.
   And he would probably continue that for the rest of eternity.

A/N Hey guys, me again. I hate grammar mistakes. I also like milkshakes. I hope you guys like the chapter. It was a little shorter than the last but anways...


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