Chapter 7- Matt

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The drive to the University of Pennsylvania wasn't that long. It took Matt twenty minutes if there was seriously bad traffic. Otherwise, he could get there ten minutes tops.
   He pulled into a parking spot and opened the car door.
   As he walked into the building, he found his way to his dorm. He opened the door slowly, because it was still like two in the morning. He hoped to catch at least a few hours of sleep before school. He set his backpack down on a kitchen chair. He walked into his part of the dorm.
   "Dude, where were you?" his dormmate, Kevin, said.
   "House," Matt answered.
   "What were you doing?"
   "Just visiting my family."
   "Are you sure?"
   "Full of questions, are we?"
   Kevin rolled his eyes. "You left after you got a text. You left pretty urgently. And you got excused from class! I mean, how lucky are you? You seem to be able to leave for everything!"
   Matt just stared at him, dumfounded. The only thing able to come out of his mouth was, "You don't know? You seriously don't know?"
   "What? What don't know?"
   Matt sighed. "Let's talk about this in the morning," he suggested. It wasn't a suggestion though.
   "No, we talk now," Kevin argued.
   "In. The. Morning!"
   Kevin could proably tell Matt was going to blow, so he let the conversation drop. Smart move. Matt went into his room and collapsed on the bed. He fell asleep instantly.

"Ready to tell me the truth, yet?"
   Kevin's voice startled Matt, since he usually wasn't awake earlier than Matt.
   Matt sighed. "Grab a chair." They sat across from each other. "You know the super hero? Benjamin Paulson?" His dormmate nodded. "Good. Well, he's my dad. Oh, and my mom's Maria Paulson."
   Kevin blinked. Then he swallowed. Then he burst out in laughter. "You expect me to believe that crap? Good try, but I know you're just trying to impress me."
   Now it was Matt's turn to blink. "What? Kev, I'm serious. Benjamin Paulson is my dad!"
   "Yeah, right, and my cousin's Logan Lerman. Dude, just let it go."
   "I'm serious! Please, just belive this once! Please!" Matt was desperate.
   Kevin shook his head. "Sorry. Not going to happen," he said.
   Matt sighed. He pointed his hand at a nearby cup. It slowly levitated, then zoomed over to the duo. Kevin's eyes bulged out of his head.
   "W-what? How? You?" Kevin sputtered, searching for the right words. He finally settled with, "I believe you."
   "Well, I don't know about you, but I have some classes I need to get to." And with that, Matt got up and left.
   Not too long after he was at the staircase, other footsteps could be heard chasing after him.
   "Wait! Matt, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier, but now I do! Forgive me?" Kevin begged.
   "Yeah, I forgive you but..." Matt trailed off.
   "But what?"
   "Are you okay?"
   "Um, yeah? Why?"
   "You called me by my actual name. For the first time, might I add."
   "Really? Did I?"
   They walked to class together, joking around.

A/N Hellooooooo. That's right! I'm back! Anyways, hope you guys like the chapter. It's short, I know, but, hey. Look at James Patterson. He makes some of the shortest chapters ever. Thanks for reading this story, by the way. You guys are amazing. Anyways, enough with mushiness.

MQotD: "Whoa---back the T. Rex up!"
This is said by a fictional character in Keeper of the Lost Cities.

See ya✌

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