Chapter 5- Josh

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Josh collapsed onto his bed immediantly after he changed into his sleepwear and brushed his teeth.
   "We have to get out of here!" a voice exclaimed.
   What? Josh said. Who are you?
   Suddenly, a young woman appeared and grabbed his arm. She dragged him behind her as she frantically looked around.
   "We have to hide!" she said.
   Wait, why do we have to hide?
   "He might find us!"
   He? Who's he?
   "I can't tell you," said the woman.
   Can I at least get your name? Josh said.
   "Avery," she whispered. "Now be quiet. He can't find us."
   But you already said that.
   Avery covered her mouth. She did the same to Josh's. Josh frowned and gently pulled her arm away from his mouth.
   Remind me who we're hiding from?
   Avery looked at him and barely audibly whispered, "Him."
   The word was soft and delicate, but quiet and menacing. Josh almost asked for it again, but thought better of it when he saw the shadow. His eyes widened at the silhouette of a man. His breathing was no longer heard, since he was trying not to. He glanced at Avery, who was doing the same thing. He hoped the man couldn't find them in their little hiding spot behind some statues.
   The man turned his head in their direction. If possible, Josh's eyes widened even more. He dared not to breathe. The man walked towards them.
   Crap. Josh silently cursed.
   "I know you're there," the man said. His voice was rich and smooth, but also sounded raspy. The man smiled, showing perfectly straight teeth. He walked closer and closer to them. He opened his palm. "You're not the only one who can play with fire."
   Fire danced in his hand. "People often mistake fire for a murderous, life-consuming beast. But," he said suddenly, "it is actually quite beautiful. Flames that dance and paint the sky many colors. Smoke that makes everything seem better..." He trailed off.
   Still smiling maliciously, he said, "And now, I shall show you the true beauty of fire." He knocked down the statues. They fell like dominos, trapping Josh and Avery but...Where was Avery?
   Josh looked around, part of him relieved, part of him betrayed. Great, now he was going to die alone, with nobody able to hear his cries of help, besides the man.
   Speaking of the man, he still had that crazy smile of his on his face when he slowly lowered his hand towards an old, dry piece of wood. Heck, the whole place was made of wood. Even the freaking statues! Josh internally screamed his head of, while clenching his jaw and fists.
   Soon, a majority of the place was surrounded, miraculously not including the part Josh was in. The fire crept closer and closer. Josh swallowed. It was now hard to breathe. Stupid smoke. Stupid fire. Stupid man.
   "Now, now, none of this is stupid," said the man, smile fading.
   Josh blinked. Had the man just read his thoughts?
   "Why, yes. Yes I did."
   The flames were too close and unbearably hot. Sweat poured down Josh's face. Then the flames consumed him.

A/N Wassup guys? I'm doing great, thanks for asking, and I hope you're doing great too. I wish you all well.

MQotD: "Great moments are born from great opportunities."

Peace out✌

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