I'm not Heartless

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I'm Not Heartless

It was a Monday morning when French approached Deanna with a bouquet of fresh, vibrant roses. The sun was bright, but French's heart felt heavy as he presented the flowers to her.

"Hello, my Deanna. It's been three years since I started courting you. Hindi mo pa ba ako sasagutin?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with a mixture of hope and desperation.

Deanna accepted the flowers but looked at them with evident disgust. She crinkled her nose and said, "I already told you that I don't love you! Are you that dumb para hindi iyon maintindihan? Tumigil ka na!" With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the bouquet to the ground and stomped on it, crushing the once-beautiful roses into the dirt.

French stood there, watching the once-perfect flowers become a ruined mess on the pavement. Tears welled up in his eyes as he whispered, "You're hurting me again, my Deanna."

"Who cares?" Deanna retorted, crossing her arms and smirking at him with a mixture of scorn and indifference. Without another word, she walked away, leaving French alone with the crushed flowers and his broken heart.

Days turned into months, and French's heartache only grew. He continued to shower Deanna with gifts and declarations of love. One day, he presented her with an expensive box of chocolates, his face lit up with a hopeful smile despite the sadness that clouded his eyes.

"My love, I've been courting you for four years now. I really love you. Hindi ako tumingin sa iba. Sayo lang talaga. Hindi pa ba sapat iyon para mahalin mo na ako? Binigay ko na lahat, Deanna. Am I not enough?"

Deanna's eyes locked onto his with a cold intensity. "You are not enough and you will never be enough!" she declared bluntly.

As usual, Deanna turned and walked away, leaving French clutching the box of chocolates with tears streaming down his cheeks. The weight of her words seemed to crush him more deeply than any physical object could.

The years continued to pass, and French's persistence remained unwavering. Six years into his quest, he found himself kneeling in front of Deanna, holding her hand with a fervent plea.

"Deanna, it's been six years. Please sagutin mo na ako, love? Minahal kita ng higit pa sa sarili ko. Ginawa ko lahat para sayo. Please, Deanna. Please be mine."

Deanna stared down at him, her expression devoid of warmth. "Hinding-hindi ako magiging sayo. Kung hindi ka nakakaintindi ng Tagalog, then here's an English translation for you: I will never be yours."

She pulled her hand away and began to walk off. French stood up abruptly, his voice breaking as he cried out, "You're heartless!"

"I'm not. I just know how to use my heart less," Deanna replied coldly, her back turned to him. Without a glance back, she continued walking away, leaving French standing there, devastated, as he watched her disappear into the distance.

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