Beautiful Tragedy

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Beautiful Tragedy

I saw my boyfriend with another girl. I couldn't help but notice how happy the girl looked; they were even walking arm in arm. I knew that girl—it was his ex.

The pain was intense, but I had already suspected this from the beginning. He only loved me because Dayana and I have similarities. Over our two years together, I felt it.

Yes, he loved me, but not in the way he loved her.

"Pa, can you stop the car? I'll go home, I promise. I just need to talk to someone." I knew my parents had seen what I saw. They are the kind of parents who trust me because they believe I'm capable of making my own decisions. They let me get out of the car, worry evident in their eyes, and I reassured them with a smile.

I got out of the car and approached them. I confronted them.

"Hi, love," I said, smiling.

"K-kira." He looked shocked to see me.

"Oh, hi Dia!" I smiled genuinely at them.

I wasn't angry, just deeply hurt.

"Love, can we go home now? Shall we?" I extended my hand to him, watching to see which he would choose. I saw him hesitate, still with his arm around the girl, shifting his gaze between us.

"It's okay if you're not ready yet. I'll head home first." I smiled, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. I turned to leave.

"I'll be back." I heard him say to Dayana. He hurried after me and grabbed my arm.

"Akira, let's talk." He said, his eyes pleading.

"Oh, yes, we need to," I said with a laugh. "Let's take a cab." I acted as if everything was normal. I wasn't being fake; I just didn't want him to worry, knowing he was happy with someone else.

"Where should we talk, at the place where it all began and, I guess, where it will end?" I smiled again. His face looked troubled. I knew he loved me too, so I wasn't angry with him. I could tell he was worried about me now.

After we got off the cab, I called Mom.

"Mom? I'll be late coming home. Don't worry, I'll be back. I'm your daughter, after all! I love you, Mom." I tried to sound cheerful, but tears were already welling up.

When we reached the top, we could see the city lights below. I looked up and let my eyes wander among the stars.


"L-let's break up." He said with a forced smile, finally saying what I had been expecting.

The pain was unbearable. It felt as though my heart was being hammered. But what could I do? I could never force this man to love me.

"Why?" I asked.

I stared ahead at the city lights while he faced me, his head bowed.

"My love for you has faded. I'm really sorry; it wasn't intentional." I looked at him and smiled.

"Don't worry. It's okay. At least you've been honest. Let go of the heavy feelings, okay?" I turned him to face me and smiled.

"Be happy, Van."

I left with a heavy heart. I didn't even realize I had made it home. I walked into the house, still fighting back my tears. Mom, Dad, and my sister were waiting for me, their faces full of concern. I smiled at them.

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