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Quick a/n! Again sorry I don't upload very often I did this just for fun and don't really have any ideas in mind for this story! I still hope you enjoy this 🤠

After Bakugou had gone Kirishima went into another store across the street, except it wasn't a store it was a hospital.

Kirishima pov

It seemed like Bakugou was gone, now time to get what I really needed.

I opened the hospital doors to be greeted by a nurse.

"Welcome back Kirishima! You here for the usual?" She said standing up. "Do you have the papers?"

"Always do!" I responded handing her the papers, they were for my usual anxiety and depression pills, sometimes a stronger inhaler but that's only sometimes.

"Great! Ms. Kokehage will call you in a second!" The nurse said. I went into the waiting room, I greeted a couple of workers there that knew me, some of them say I'm quite known here since I've been going here for years now.

But, I don't always come here for my pills, I used to come here for almost-

"Ejirou Kirishima?" Someone called out. I stood up and walked over to Ms. Kokehage.

"Welcome back Ejirou! How have you been?" She said leading me into one of the rooms.

"I've been doing better actually!" I said sitting on the checkup beds.

"Great, how have the pills been working? I think we added a bit more medicine into it." She said writing down my information.

"They've been working great." I said.

"Have you tried to do it again?" She had a bit more seriousness in her tone with that specific question.

"I haven't." I sternly said.

"May I check the cuts to see if they're healing?" She said getting up from her chair. I only nodded still being scared to show my wounds. I pulled my sleeves up to show the cuts, they weren't that noticeable but you could still see them. After that she did my usual checkup.

"Good. Now did you come for more of the pills?" She put her clipboard down and went to her computer, I'm assuming that she's updating my answers.

"Yea I ran out," I said.

" I'll be right back then, I'll go get them." She said as she left the room leaving me alone. She came back in a few minutes with a container.

"I'll be giving you a smaller package we don't want you overdosing on such strong pills again. Just take care of yourself, okay?" She said handing me the package.

"Don't worry you can trust me. I'll be off now see ya Kokehage!" I said thanking her and checking myself out. As I left the hospital the hot summer air hit my face it was relaxing to saw the least, it reminded me of someone.

The hospital wasn't very far from my apartment so I just walked there. I fell onto my bed and got my computer, i was starting college in a few months, I can finally get a better education, wasn't Bakugous summer starting soon? I guess he's finishing his finals. I went to my emails and clicked on an old message.

" To Ejirou Kirishima.
Hello I am the dean of Yuuei, I would like to congratulate you on making it in! You are one in a few others that have been added to our 2nd year. Before starting please complete the information below.

Sincerely, Nezu

Kirishima smiled at the screen, he was finally getting into his dream college! And Bakugou and his friends are also there! I hugged my pillow thinking about the things I want to learn about and the great education they have, did Bakugou say they have dorms? I'm gonna go ask him.

redriot: hey bakugou! i was wondering do you have dorms at your college?
blastybitch: wtf why do u want to know
blastybitch: yea they do but it's not necessary
redriot: oh cool! oh! do u get roommates?
blastybitch: some people do but i didn't get one
redriot: hHhHhH
blastybitch: tf
blastybitch: wtf no dumbass
blastybitch: i said n o
redriot: por favor 😔😔😔😔😔😔
blastybitch: whAT DOES THAT MEAN
redriot:                      pls úwù
blastybitch: fine shit face but only if you actually get in
redriot: yES
blastybitch: you better not be annoying bitch or i'll tape your fucking mouth
redriot: that's fucking kinky uwu
blastybitch: S H U T
blastybitch: T H E
blastybitch: F U C K
blastybitch: U P
redriot: okokok
blastybitch: im gonna go watch soul eaters and eat candy so leave me tf alone with my led lights
redriot: me
redriot: welp adios ☺️
blastybitch: bye 🦆

So maybe I am rooming with Bakugou. This might be fun, I smile to myself checking the time. aH IM GOING TO BE LATE.

Bakugou POV

Why the hell did I agree to this idiot?! It's not like he's going to college soon! Just in a few damn months. Maybe it isn't so bad. I go back to doing the dumb shit I do everyday, I finished my classes for today but I have to finish this dumbass photography assignment, I think for a few minutes until Pink shit texts me.

pinkbitch: hey bakugou! u want to go that bar again? so u can see that redheadddd 😉
blastybitch: stfu go study for that math test you have in a few days
pinkbitch: but the squad is boreddddd :(((((
blastybitch: fine pinky but if you guys fail it's your fault
pinkbitch: oBvi! meet at 7?
blastybitch: damn that early
pinkbitch: fiNe 8
blastybitch: ard >:)
pinkbitch: cyaaaa
Finally an excuse from homework, but I still have to come up with an idea for this photography thing, then it hit me. The assignment is about something that is retro and bright and the bar is basically that! Fuck finally! Time to bring my camera with me this time.
I got changed and put my camera supplies in a miny book bag and went to where our bikes were.

"Hey Bakugou! You bringing the camera supplies this time?" Sero asked.

"Yea, got an idea for a shitty assignment." I said putting on my helmet joined by the others.

"You guys know the way now right?" Mina said.

"I think we know... but just in case lead the way." Kami said getting on his motorcycle.

And so we headed off to the bar.

1067 words not including this!
I'm gonna go read a former classmate again because it's such a great story and Stupid_Brats1225  is such a great writer so I recommend reading it!

kiribaku- bars and bikes (probs editing everything or discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now