8: u ate all my beans ni-

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My storage is full and my phone is fucking dumb so >:))))

Kirishima POV

After like two hours of making dumbass videos and going into the world of e-people and hentai. I'm not okay.

You know what I'll do that weird thing everyone does with that e boy stuff! I have those types of things..right?

I went into my closet to find black stuff, chains, belts,striped shirts, all that shit. Once I found most of the things I needed I was pretty surprised I even as most of this stuff, so I proceeded to put it on.

Right now I had this black shirt that says 'eat my ass', black and red striped shirt underneath, black ripped jeans (maybe if u wanna be extra kinky some fishnets), black belt, like tons of chains and locks, and dr.martins. Damn I was edgier than I thought, but something was missing.... THE FACE! Don't they  put on like crosses with eyeliner? Do I have eyeliner?.. I checked through my cabinets but of course no luck, am I seriously going to go out like this just to get eyeliner??


I grabbed my things and headed out to the local mall up the street. It's weird how things were so close to my apartment..never mind that I needed to find a makeup store and not look to suspicious. In the end I decided to go to hot topic to find eyeliner, sure they had some or at least I think they do. All I heard and saw was black, rock, anime, and other things. And so I began my search!

I was looking around the back and found some more necklaces and chains so I just snatched that off the shelf. Still looking around I found a black beanie, I put it on and looked in the mirror.

This completes most of the look!

I finger gunned myself and took it off taking it with me. Alas I finally found the eyeliner. I went to pay all the stuff when I heard a familiar nickname.

"Oi shit hair! Never thought I'd see you here looking like that."

I turned to my left and found Bakugou standing there with a cocky smile.

"Hey Bakubro! I uh didn't think you'd be here." I awkwardly scratch my neck and laughed being self conscious over my whole 'look'.

"I'm gonna pay for this now..cya!" I said heading to the cash register.

"Hold up, wanna hang out for a bit nerd?" He said looking at the floor.

"Hm? Oh sure!" I smiled as he followed me. We walked out of the store heading to the food court, I haven't eaten yet and it was 12 pm already so we just agreed with lunch. We got our food and sat down at a faraway table, as soon as we got there Bakugou kept staring at me, I assume it was the outfit so I just started eating.

"Never knew you had a shirt that says 'eat my ass' but I assume that message is for me, so gladly." He said.

"BAKUGOU WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled flustered.

"Shut up shitty hair, I was only teasing tch." He said with one of his evil smiles and went back to eating. " Oh and also why the fuck are you wearing that..outfit?"

"O-oh this..heh..it's a long story but I needed eyeliner." I say nervously scratching my neck again with a light shade of red on my cheeks.

"And why were you buying eyeliner? Plus all the other stuff." He questioned.

"Well me and Kami were talking about uh..."e boys" and he said I should look like one since I don't have anything better to do so, here I am now.." I answered.

"Well, you forgot the piercings dumbass." He pointed out. "Maybe a septum piercing would look nice.." He mumbled looking at me focusing on parts of my face.

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