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I wanted to update this earlier! I might upload chapter 6 tomorrow since I'm going on a field trip but enjoy bitches 🤠💘
(Edit: ITs the next day so I'll maybe be able to update it on the bus to the science museum. I'm on the bus rn to school so :((  )

The rest of the so called "bakusquad" followed Mina to the bar which wasn't to far away from campus, but a certain ash blonde was thinking about something the whole way there.

Bakugou POV (oBviOusLy)

Will it be a bother is I take pictures in there? I'll just ask Kirishi- shITTY HAIR! Is he even working today? I hope he is , I sigh to myself letting the cold air brush against my face, I let my mind take me anywhere soon enough I heard a ding from my headphones.

stupidpikachu: ayo baku where'd u go??

I stopped at a sidewalk to message him back

blastybitch: tf i was right behind y'all
stupidpikachu: well now ur not so where did u go?
blastybitch: oh shit idk
blastybitch: aaaaaaa parkkk?
stupidpikachu: try to get back bro, we'll be waiting inside
blastybitch: i know what to do idiot

I put my phone back into my pocket and looked around. The park looked pretty old but was decorated in led lights. Damn kids are still vandalizing? I got out my camera and took a picture of it. The bright lights popped through the black scenery, guess I can get extra credit with this shit. The cameras flash was dimmed so it complimented the eery look more. I took a couple more and went back on my phone to track the bars location.
What was the bars name again? Oh right , I typed in 'academia drinks' and followed the path, soon enough I was there I had spent about 20 minutes at the park and riding here.

I went in to find the so called 'gang' waiting for me but it seems like they couldn't wait on drinks. I went over to their table and sat down.

"Hey Bakugou! What to you so long?" Soy sauce asked.

"Got lo- found a park for nice pictures. Got a problem with that?" I tched at him. Before he could answer a waiter came up to our table.

"Would you guys need any more drinks?" He said in a monotone voice. A guy with half and half hair and eyes, they almost looked to natural to be real.

"What the hell are you doing here damn Santa Claus!?!" I yelled standing up.

"It's Todoroki." He said plainly. "And I've been here since you first came to the bar."

"The fuck??" I scowled.

"Now what do you want to drink?" He said holding up his paper and pen.

"Just get me a damn," I looked back at the menu looking for something a bit more sweeter. "Bittersweet Boba." I said still looking at the menu. He wrote in his paper and walked away.

"Wow that's a change, you usually get the stronger drinks." Raccoon eyes said confused.

"I'm not in the mood alright." I said with an angry tone, as I looked up I saw a figure, red spiky haired figure a few tables away, anD IT LOOKS LIKE HES FACING, NO- HES COMING THIS WAY. I get a bit of a panicked look on my face while trying to keep my usual scowl on. He didn't notice me at first until he got closer and when he finally realized I was there he almost ran towards me.

"Hey Bakugou! Mina, Sero, Kami! Nice to see you guys here, sorry I couldn't assist you guys this time Todoroki told me he could handle it since I was "overworking" myself." Kirishima said with air quotes and a laugh at the end.

"Hey Kiri! It's fine that you aren't our waiter just don't overwork yourself man." Sero said to him. Kirishima just hummed in response and went off to take more orders.

Damn it! I grabbed his wrist as he was about to walk off.

"Hm?" He looked back at me in a bit of a shock. "Is.. everything okay?" He asked confused.

"I wanted to ask you if I could take pictures of the bar for an assignment." I said letting go of his wrist.

"Oh yea let me ask my manager! Be right back!" He skipped off. I turned back around to find everyone looking at me grinning.

"The fuck y'all looking at?" I asked.

"That was some gay shit." Pikachu said laughing. I swear my face was turning into shitty hair's hair.

"SHUT UP DUNCE FACE." I yelled smacking him behind his head.

"Ouch! The fuck!" He laughed again.

"If I'm being honest that looked like a scene from one of your romance anime's Baku." Raccoon eyes stated.

"I said shut up." I glared at her while she looked away scared. I continued punching pikachu until a drink was placed in front of me.

"Here's your drink enjoy." Peppermint bitch said and walked away. The drink didn't look like something I would order. It was pink with black boba beads, something that pinky would drink honestly. It was pretty sweet was a bit of a tangy after taste. After a few minutes Kirishima came back with his answer.

"He said sure!" He smiled at me.

"Okay then. Thanks I guess." I mumbled the thanks so only he could hear it. He replied with a bigger smile and a nod. I took out my camera and got out of my seat to find places to take the pictures. There was this corner where it almost looked like a disco party but it was outshines by so many colors and lights, and another where it's just led lights, I took some more before heading back to my seat.

"Yo can we look at the pictures?" Mina asked. "Yea same!" Kami and Sero said after. I slightly nodded and they all went on my shoulders trying to look at the photos.

"Damn these are nice!" Sero said.

"This new camera has way better quality then that old one!" Kaminari said too with a "mhm" from Mina. I was glad they liked my photos but I said the most Bakugou thing.

"I know that morons." In my usual tone. They all just smiled and went back to their seats.

I might take more pictures outside and more around the streets, it gets pretty colorful at night.

Nothing to exciting happened there just the usual, pikachu getting drunk, raccoon eyes crying over not having a girlfriend and me and soy sauce carrying them back to the bikes. Pinky could drive fine but bolt bitch couldn't or else he'd crash so I had to leave my ride here and take pikachus back to campus.

We parked our cycles at our usual spot and I was already starting to walk back to the bar.

"Hey where are you going?" Black eyes yelled. I was pretty far away from here hence I was already walking.

"To get my bike idiot!" I yelled back. I started walking off to the direction of the bar. Once I got there I saw a certain redhead waiting near my bike. I walked over.

hA cliffhanger ig ☺️ so im waiting for my bus for the field trip and I'm maybe gonna write more on the bus or just watch kakegurui the whole way. It might be in harbor so idk :)) love y'all

kiribaku- bars and bikes (probs editing everything or discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now