6: i draw thots

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first off

hOlY FUCK I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE HOW MANY READS THIS HAS TYSM. 💗💗💗💗🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼  now back to the story >;) (Also sad kiri and some soft kiribaku)

Bakugou POV

Once I got to the bar I saw a clump of red hair blowing in the wind looking at the night sky. His face puffy and red, tears glistening in the moonlight.

"Kirishima?" I silently say walking up to him. He flinches and turns ready to run away. I speed up just in case he does.

"Kirishima are you okay?" I ask standing infront of him. He responds in a sniffle. I didn't know what else to do, I wasn't good at emotional assistance so I just hugged him.

"Hey it's okay, everything's okay." I whisper to him petting his hair. He starts crying into my shoulder and holds onto me. I just stand there trying to calm him down.

"Don't worry I'm here, it's okay." I keep telling him softly he eventually stops sobbing and looks at me.

"I-I'm sorry.." He says quietly immediately looking back down.

"Hey how about we go somewhere, I'll take you on my motorcycle." I calmly say. He nods in response as he wipes his wet face. I hand him the helmet and he puts it on, mind you his hair was flat and not spiked. I still had my camera so I decided to go to that park I went to when I got lost earlier.

Kirishima POV

Bakugou handed me his helmet and I put it on, it was a bit big but it fit. He told me to hang onto him while riding so I don't fall off it made me blush a bit or it was from crying. I let the cold air hit my face and freeze my tears.

After a few minutes Bakugou stopped and parked on a sidewalk.

"Follow me." He said so I followed.
We arrived at an old park that looked vandalized with lights and glow in the dark spray paint.

"You want to take some pictures?" He asked slowly and softly like if he raised his voice it could break me.

"Sure." I responded. He took out his camera and handed it to me. "What should I take a picture of?"

"Uh, anything I guess." He looks at the sky. I held up the camera and positioned it to the park and pressed the button to take a picture. Bakugou turned back at me and looked at the picture that slid out the top.

"Huh? It's black?.." I say taking out the picture a bit disappointed. "Did I do it correctly?" I turn to Bakugou and he took it out of my hand and shook the paper, I looked at him confused.

"What? Have you never used a camera before?" He smirked.

"Ahaha... no not really.." I say scratching my head, it's a bad habit I have when I'm nervous or shy or just I do it normally I guess.

Bakugou kept on waving the blank picture around while I'm still looking at the floor and then he slammed the paper in my face.

"Ow." I said quietly grabbing the paper. My eyes enlarged as I saw the what I thought blank picture that was now the park I took a picture off.

"W-what the-" I mentally slap myself for stuttering again. But before I could finish my sentence Bakugou had his hand on his mouth giggling then finally laughing out loud from my reaction. I start laughing too. I look at the picture after awhile and it was honestly pretty.

"Hey Bakugou what time is it?" 11:20 why?" He said putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Oh shoot! Can you drive me back my break was over 5 minutes ago!" I yelled.

"Okay then." He tosses me his helmet and got on his motorcycle. He was going faster than before so I held on tighter to him.

"Thanks for uh you know.. taking me there it helped calm my nerves." I said once I got off.

"No problem, I'm not that good with this stuff but glad I could help idiot." He said saying a quick 'bye' as I walked to the back of the bar.

"What took you so long Kiri?!" Ochaco said once I got in, her tattooed fingers tips on my shoulders.

"Don't worry Ochaco, I just lost track of time that's all." I said pushing her hands off me.

"Good thing Aizawa didn't notice. He would've killed you by now." She said with a slight giggle at the end.
"Just get back to work alright!" She walked back to a table to take some orders.

"Better start then." I said grabbing my notebook out of my pocket.

784 words not including this or a/n

okok so i might make a different chapter 6 that's a bit more happy since I came up with 2 ideas so just say if I should also write it down! But I'm gonna stick to this original one.

kiribaku- bars and bikes (probs editing everything or discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now