Chapter Three: Movie and Louis

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"I love that movie!" I jumped up from the leather couch and grabbed the DVD from Harry's hand, sticking it into the slot in the TV.

He had picked me up from work after my shift ended, and now we were in his and Louis' flat. We decided to watch a movie, and he had been suggesting chick flicks for the last ten minutes. Finally he showed me Paranormal Activity, a scary movie. Yes! I guess I'm not a normal girl, I don't get scared by horror films. I love them.

I grabbed the remote and started fast forwarding the previews, while Harry walked into the kitchen to grab the popcorn that he made right before we looked through the DVDs. He walked in and plopped down on the couch. I followed his actions, pressing the play button.

"Don't get too scared, alright? I don't think I'm ready to deal with that." Harry smirked, throwing his arm around my shoulders casually.

"Oh please, I think you're the one that's going to be screaming." I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

Throughout the whole movie, I could feel him looking at me, but I refused to turn my head. I would not allow myself to become attracted to Harry. I was super lucky to meet him, but we were just going to be friends. I could never deal with all the hate that Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie get for dating the other band members.

So basically, in my logic, if I never see Harry as more than a friend, I won't get hate, and it will be the best of both worlds. Is that even possible?

I feel his eyes turn away from me and face the screen. Maybe now its safe to take a tiny peek up at him? I turn my head to the right and slightly look up.

Remember when I said he stopped looking at me? I was wrong. My brown eyes met his green ones, and I saw him start to smile.

I quickly turned my head down and leaned into his side, trying to conceal my blush.

Stop it Sam, he's just a friend. Nothing more. You can do this. Oh my god, he smells really good. Stop it! I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey, Sam?"

"Yeah?" I asked, looking back up at him.

He leaned his head in towards mine, and our noses were just centimeters away. My heart was beating so loud, I'm surprised he couldn't hear it. Maybe he could.

"Movie's over," he whispered, and I could feel his warm breath on my face. I softly hit his chest, causing him to sit back up and laugh.

I just rolled my eyes and stood up, heading toward the kitchen. What? A girl's gotta eat.

Making myself at home, I opened up the freezer and saw a giant tub of vanilla cookie dough ice cream, my favorite. I lifted it out just as he walked into the room.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

"Eating your ice cream. Duh." I responded, grabbing a bowl from the first cabinet I opened, then a spoon from the drawer below. Hmm, lucky.

I opened the carton and saw it was almost full. Yes, more ice cream for Sam!

I dug my spoon into the ice cream and lifted out a pretty generous scoop, dumping it in the bowl. I put the tub back in the freezer and was about to dig in when my bowl disappeared.

"Thanks babe!" Harry said, holding my ice cream with a mischievous grin.

"Harry!" I whined and jumped for my bowl. He was now holding it above his head, taunting me.

"Give it back? Pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeee?" I pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but only because you're really cute." He handed me my bowl, expecting a thanks or for me to blush.

Instead, I smiled with victory and ran back to the kitchen, already starting to devour my ice cream.

He walked back into the kitchen after me with an amused expression on his face.

"What?" I mumbled, my mouth full of vanilla-ey goodness.

"I can't figure you out."

I ate the last spoonful of my ice cream (which I can happily report included a large amount of cookie dough) and stared at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I was being sarcastic, but he looked like he thought I was serious.

"Nothing, I just like you Sam. I can tell you're going to be a good friend. And the lads are going to love you."

"Thanks," I giggled, running towards him.

"Piggy back ride!" I yelled, jumping on his back and causing him to laugh. He didn't drop me though, he lifted my legs around his waist and started jogging around the flat.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on top of his.

"Woah!" he exclaimed, pretending to trip on the carpet and launching both of us on the couch in a laughing fit.

"What's going on here?" I heard a voice and my head snapped up to see a boy with brown hair that was wearing a striped shirt.

"Boo Bear!" Harry shouted and ran over to him, leaving me to giggle at him as they attacked each other with hugs. Guess the bromance is real.

"Lou, this is Sam, she's my new friend. Sam, this is Louis, but I'm pretty sure you already know more about him than he does." he winked at me.

"Hi Sam! So you're a fan?" he looked impressed, probably because I wasn't fangirling. I guess I had gotten that out of my system earlier, and now he and Harry just seemed like normal guys. 

"I guess you could say that," I sarcastically shrugged and smiled.

"I like this one," Louis commented, nodding towards Harry and then heading upstairs to what I guessed was his room. This place was huge.

"Sam, it's kind of late. Do you want to just crash here for the night?"

Hmmm, stay in the same flat with two boys? Not one of my smarter ideas. But I felt like I had already known Harry for years, and Louis seemed really nice. I don't think they would try anything.

"Sure," I said, sending a text to Anna letting her know I would be out tonight. I still hadn't told her about meeting Harry... oops.

Harry led me to what I soon learned was their guest room, and it was really nice. I could already feel myself growing tired, the day had been so crazy.

"Uh, Harry? Mind if I borrow a t-shirt and some sweats or something to sleep in?"

"Sure, babe." he disappeared for a second into the room next door, and then came back, tossing clothes at me.

"Thanks," I said with a grateful smile.

He walked back into his room and I quickly changed, then turned off the light and hopped into bed.

"Harry?" I called softly.

"Yeah?" he answered, appearing in my doorway.

"Will you sing to me?"

He nodded and sat on the end of the bed, starting to sing softly. I think he was singing Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Harry had a really good voice. I guess that's why he's famous for it...

Right before I slipped into my dreams, I felt his lips softly press to my forehead.

"Goodnight, Sam."

I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

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