Chapter Ten: Boyfriend and Being Awkward

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"I do it for the love, waiting on the gold rush. Keep it on the edge, smoking on a roll up. When I see my friends, all they say is hold up, and remember the time. When we were in school, listening to grown ups. Didn't learn a thing, but then again you know what. You know how to sing, but you don't know anything other than that. So maybe you should learn to love her, like, like, the way, yeah maybe you should learn to love her, like, like, the way--"

"SAM, SHUT UP!" Louis yelled from downstairs. 

"NO! I HAVE ED SHEERAN STUCK IN MY HEAD! YOU SHUT UP!" I screamed back from my room.

"You're really not a good singer, babe." Harry appeared in my doorway with a smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've won a Brit and a Moonman and a Bambi--"

"Sam, I think you're talking about us..." 

"Well, you always say your awards are for your fans, so they're mine too, smarty pants." I said with a big smile.

"And to think I thought you were starting to become less of a fangirl." 

"You thought wrong!" I poked his cheek and left the room, heading downstairs.

"STOP POKING MY FACE!" He shouted, and I just giggled in response.

"Make me food." I told Louis as I walked into the kitchen.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Sorry. Make me food please?" I corrected.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Why would you do that?" Harry whined, walking in after me.

"Because Louis is nice. That's why I like him better." I shrugged.

"Score!" Louis shouted.

"Love you too, Sam." Harry rolled his eyes.

I smirked and sat at the table with my phone in my hand.

I had gotten multiple texts and calls from both Anna and Chase, which I deleted as soon as they came without even reading them. Why torture myself? I need to move on.

My phone buzzed with a new text, and I was about to delete it when I saw who it was from.

To: Sam  From: Zaynie <3

hi babe, come 2 the game room ! xx

"Ugh, are they here again?" I said loudly, so that if they were in the game room they could hear me.

Sure enough, Niall's voice rang through the flat. "Hey!"

I laughed and headed to the game room to greet the other boys.

"Don't you guys have your own living spaces?" I asked as I plopped down on the couch next to Zayn, who wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, but we like it here better." Liam answered.

"Plus, you're here." Zayn added.

"Awh, cute," I laughed.

"I know I am." 

"Oh look, you just ruined it." I told him.

"So are you guys together or what?" Louis asked, walking into the room with Harry. 

"Oh, um, I don't, um," I started to say. Are we? I mean, I've only really known him for three days. 

Woah. It's only been three days? Feels like forever.

I think I'll let Zayn take this one.

"Well, I mean, we haven't really talked about it yet, and it's not like we can go out on a date," Zayn glared at Harry, who refused to look back.

"Well you guys are flirting like crazy, and it's starting to get really annoying." Niall said.

"Are not!" Zayn and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Are too!" Liam, Niall, and Louis replied in unison. 

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "What's the schedule today? I have my final exams tomorrow, and then I'm free for the summer!"

"Nothing really. We have a day off." Niall answered.

"Oh, cool. Well, I think I'll let you guys do something fun. I'm going to go study. Have fun!" I jumped up and raced to my room. I may be awkward, but they deserve a day off without me bothering them.

I pulled out my textbooks once again to start studying, and then sat down against the far wall of the room. Opening my world history book, I groaned and started to read chapter 27. Woohoo.

I was only about three sentences in when there was a light knock at my door.

"Come in!" I said softly, and the door opened to reveal Zayn. "What's shakin' bacon?"

"Nothing," he laughed. "Are you okay? It was kind of awkward down there when they asked know, us." He looked down shyly at his feet.

"Well, are we?" I asked. Did I just say that? I have to learn to be less direct.

"Do you want to be? I mean, I know this is kind of rushed, but I really like you, Sam. And things will be kind of weird with you fake dating Harry, but we can make it work. I'm willing to try if you are." He sat down on the floor next to me.

"I'm willing to try." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could even process what I was saying, and Zayn's face lit up with a smile.

"So, Sam Marks, will you be my girlfriend? Or, I guess, my secret girlfriend?"  He grabbed my hands and looked at me in the eyes.

"Nah," I said, shaking my head no. 

"Yes! Wait, what? No?" He went from happy to confused, and it was hilarious.

"I'm just kidding, idiot! Of course I will." I smiled, and he kissed me softly on the lips.

"WOOHOO!" Louis, Niall and Liam came running into the room jumping up and down and celebrating.

"Way to ruin the moment guys," I laughed.

"It's what we do best," Liam shrugged. "Congrats guys!"

"Thanks." I giggled, looking back at Zayn, who was staring at me. He smiled when I met his eyes.

"What did I miss?" Harry walked in, turning off his phone.

"Nothing much, just that Zayn got a girlfriend." Louis said.

"Oh." He said quickly, then looked at me. "Change of plans, Sam. That was management. We have to go out in public. Looks like we'll be going on our first date." He said cooly. "Um, be ready soon. Dress nicely." He gave me a small smile, then left. Strange kid. The other boys awkwardly followed him out, leaving me and Zayn alone.

"You know, you can quit now, it's pretty early on." Zayn whispered in my ear, giving me shivers.

"No I can't. I promised him," I replied.

"Promises are made to be broken?" He tried, looking at me.

"No they aren't." I laughed. "Now get out, I have to get dressed."

"Or I could stay..."

"Get out, pervert." I said sarcastically, getting up and pushing him out of the room. "See ya later!" I waved and shut the door in his face, giggling.

So Zayn Malik had just become my boyfriend, and now I'm being forced to go on a date with Harry Styles? My life is about to get very interesting.


Wooooah. What's going on? Stay tuned for a Sam/Harry date!

Guess the song and artist for a dedication!

~Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
My mind keeps saying run as fast as you can.
I say I'm done but then you pull me back,
I swear you're giving me a heart attack!~

Until next time! Thanks for reading! Xx

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