Chapter Six: The Water and The Truth

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I could feel someone shaking me awake, but I was too lost in my dreams to wake up.

That is, until my face met ice cold water.

"LOUIS!" I screamed as I shot up in bed, shivering as I watched the boy run out of the room, red bucket in hand. I am going to kill him.

I looked at the clock next to me, it was 6:47 PM. Looks like I had fallen asleep for a couple hours...

I got up and shut the door, then started peeling the wet clothes from my body. Lucky for me, there was an en suite bathroom and an extra pair of clothes from Harry that I made him put in here earlier, just in case. Looks like I was right when I said I would need them.

I stepped into the shower quickly, still shaking from the cold, but was warmed by the hot water. I stood there for a couple of minutes relaxing in the water before I picked up the mini shampoo bottle. Do they think this place is a hotel or something? Although I don't mind, because my hair needs it and the shampoo smells pretty good. Win-win, for me.

When I finished, I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel that was conveniently waiting for me. I dried off and put on Harry's--well, mine I guess, he isn't getting these back--clothes. Navy blue sweatpants and a giant gray t-shirt. Perfect. They smelled like him too, and that was comforting, but he is never going to know that. I tied my hair up in a messy bun, because at this point I don't really care how I look. Surprising, considering my five super-hot-and-mega-talented idols are downstairs. Oh well.

Now it's time to kill Louis Tomlinson.

I tiptoed downstairs and hid behind the wall leading into the "Game Room," as the boys liked to call it. I could clearly hear the voices of all five boys messing around and playing their video games. Note to self: Show them what a boss I am at MarioKart. But first I have to murder Mr. Stripes.

"Prepare to die, Louis William Tomlinson." I said calmly as I slipped into the room and started to chase him.

After finally being able to pin him down on the floor, he surrendered.

"I must admit, you don't give up easily." he winked, standing up.

"Get outta here," I said in my best New Yorker accent (which wasn't that good) and shoved him lightly.

We walked back into the game room, where I got a standing ovation from the other four boys.

"Not many people can take down the Tommo," Zayn explained.

Zayn. What had happened earlier? Are we actually official? Or... was it possible that I just dreamed the whole thing?

"Uh, Sam? Saaaaaammmm? Earth to Samantha?" I must have zoned out, and now Zayn and I were alone in the room. Guess there's only one way to find out what happened.


"Uh, Harry said we should all get to know each other better, but when I went to see you earlier, you were asleep. So, uh, what's up?" That definitely cleared things up. He was cute when he was nervous.

"Nothing, really." I giggled, and then we somehow struck up conversation.

But one thing is for sure: Now that I'm fake-dating Harry, and I know the boys, and this is real life, I need to stop having those fangirl dreams.


Sorry this chapter is kind of bad... I'm planning on a really good next chapter!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment, vote, fan, etc. !

Love you guys! :) xx

... and this week's song lyrics (even though nobody ever comments...) ;)

~White lips, pale face

Breathing in the snowflakes;

Burnt lungs, sour taste.~ 

As usual, comment with the song's title and artist for a dedication! :D

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