Chapter Seven: 43 and Whipped Cream

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"I should really get going, Anna's probably worried sick about me." I explain to Harry as I'm about to leave.

"Do you really have to go?" Niall whines from the couch in the corner of the room.

"Yes, but I'll be back soon, you won't even miss me. Besides, just text me if you want to talk." I wave my phone in the air for him to see.

I spent the last two hours getting to know all of the boys individually, and now we're all close, considering I've only known them for a day. I even told them all about Chase, and how I'm still upset about it. They're surprisingly good listeners, even Louis. We all have stuff in common, which is really great. I let them add their numbers in my phone (while I died on the inside, because they're my favorite band and this is real life) and they followed me on twitter, causing me to die again. You know you would too.

Now it was getting late, and I really needed to get home. Harry offered to drive me, and I accepted. I felt like we hadn't talked in a while, I had been so busy with the other boys.

He led me to the car park and to his car, where he opened the passenger door for me before going to his side.

"Thanks, Harry," I smiled and hopped in. Nobody has ever done that for me, it was so sweet.

"Any time," he replied with a grin. "The guys love you, I knew you would get on well." he started the conversation.

"They're all really cool, it's crazy to think that two mornings ago I was just looking at pictures of you guys on tumblr, and now I know you..." I said without thinking.

"You have a tumblr too?" Harry laughed. "I have to check that out... I'm scared. I have to see your room, also! Is my face all over your walls? Do you kiss me and the boys goodnight?" He was cracking up now.

"No!" I was blushing like crazy. I mean, yeah, his face was on my wall, but so were the other boys'! And I only kissed my posters once, as a dare! Not like he's going to know that...

"Oh, Sam, Sam, Sam. What have I gotten myself into?"

"You can be really annoying sometimes, you know that?" I said.

"Yeah, but you love me."

"Says who?"

"Says you." 

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Turn left here." I rolled my eyes.

He parked the car in front of my building, and we both got out.

"Excuse me, but I don't remember inviting you to come in?" I said sarcastically.

"Well, you did. Remember? That time, on that day? Let's go inside, I need to count how many times my face is in your room." 

"I hate you." I said simply, but started walking into the building.

We stepped into the elevator, and I pressed the button for my floor. Anna's in for a surprise...

I led him to my flat, and opened the door with my key. Harry followed me inside.

"I'm home!" I shouted, walking towards the living room. "Anna, I have a surprise for yo--- oh my god."

There, on the couch, was Anna, my best friend. She was making out with a boy. But not just any boy, folks. It was my lovely ex-boyfriend.

"Sam, I'm so sorry, I can explain," she started to say as they broke apart.

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