I don't know what I feel.

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I step in my car and drive home. When I came home and take a seat on the couch, I break. I start crying. I pull the blanket around my body. I take my Phone and send Stephen a message. "Are you safe home? I'm so sorry to let you feel this." I worry about that men because I love that men. "I'm home." I get after a few mintes as answer. I don't know what I feel, his answer is so short. Normal his answers a way longer. I make my self a cup of tea and take it to the bathroom. I make the bath ready and take a bath. After a hour in bath, I go to bed. I lay awake for hours. Finaly, I fall asleep.

I look to Emily, she walk to her car. She drive her car away from all her problems. I feel proud on her, how she did this. I'm just a softie when it came to my feelings about her. I start my car, I drive home. When I'm home, I got a message from Emily. She ask of I'm came home safe. I answer short and lay my phone a side. I pull all my stuff out of my bag and find the letter she write to me. I read it again. I lay it to a side and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and did my thing. When I lay on bed I can't sleep. I have still the light on and see something at the floor. It's a pink t-shirt. It can't be mine. I stand right pick it up and bring it to my bed. I snif on it. It is defently Emily's. It smell like her and I love that smell. I pull it close to me. It make it a better way to sleep.

My alarmclock make a lot of noice. It's time to make me ready for the first scene's from season 3. I'm not so happy as a day before but I have to do this. And I can. After taking breakfast, I go to set. I'm alway's to early so I can read the script again. So I did today. I take my tea and take a seat on the couch and start reading. I sight, it is the first kiss between Felicity and Oliver. I feel nervous for that. There is a nock on my door. "Come in." I said. It's Stephen. "Em, are you ready for our first kiss?"he asked. "It's not ours. It is the first kiss from Oliver and Felicity. I'm ready for that." He nod. We walk together to the hair and make up trailer. Stephen goes first, like always. He is ready in a few minutes. It take a way longer to make me Felicity." I go to the clothes trailer and became Felicity. I walk to set and became so nervous as my first day.

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