I feel still love.

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I feel still love for Emily. I know that she lost her love for me. That make me sad. I don't feel good about that. I pack my back to go to the gym. "Steph? Why are you pack for gym? You have a few weeks before to get in shape."Emily said when she noticed my back. I don't know what to say. "I know, sweatheart. But I can start slowely." I answerd her qeustion. She nod her head and give me a kiss on my cheek and I leave our house. 

I give Stephen a kiss on his cheek before he leave for gym. I feel he doesn't tell me the truth. I know, I have to confront him with what I feel. I take time to have a shower. When I'm done, I make my self a cup of  thee. I take my book and wrap a blanket around and start reading. 

I came back home and I feel happy. Happy that Emily is reading and totally is in her book. She doesn't notice me walking in. I walk straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, I walk to the kitchen. To make my after workout shake. I shake my shake when I walk to Emily, who doesn't move that much. I take a seat next to her and wrap a arm around her shoulders. She closed her book and she snuggle up against my side. 

I snuggle up against Stephen. That is the only thing I love to do with him. Stephen take a zip from his shake. "Stephen, I have something to ask. When you leave for the gym, you said you can start slowely. But I saw you don't tell me the truth. There is something else, why you start today." I said.

Emily asked me why I don't say the truth when I go to the gym. I don't say anything for a long time. I have to think about how I told her what is on my mind. "I have to be honest to you because you did the same to me about your feelings."I said after a half hour of thinking. She sit right and look me in the eyes.  "I feel so much love for you with all I have. I'm so scared to be alone again. The only thing I can do to forget it, is too sport. And I have to forget it because it drive me crazy. That what I feel make me so sad. It let me cry, when I'm alone."

I wrap my arm around Stephens shoulders and pull him close. "Sweatheart. When I told you almost a year ago that I love you, I had other idea's about a year later. When I know this, I don't start a relation with you. But I don't and let you feel this. Stephen, I'm so sorry for this." He lay his head against my shoulder and start crying. I lay my hand in his neck and rub the edge of his hear. It take him a long time to stop crying. I feel so quilty about Stephens feelings. 

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