~Chapter 3~

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A week later Kirishima and Bakugou got onto the bus with the rest of the class and they all took their designated seats .Kirishima was talking with his friends when he noticed Bakugou just staring out the window , so he walked over and begged Jiro to swap and she did (because she got to sit by the pikachu) .Bakugou hadn't even noticed them swap until he felt someone hold his hand ,he turned his head around fast ready to shout at the person before his face became bright red . "K-Kirishima why are you sitting here and why are you holding my hand ?!" He whispered shouted at the red head .

"Oh I just wanted to sit by my boyfriend and your cute when you stutter Katsu~" Kirishima smirked and leaned in to kiss his cheek before Bakugou moved his face away and let go of his hand .

"Kirishima everyone's on the bus ... I'm sorry and I'm not cute !" He looked away still blushing .

"Oh Yh sorry Bakugou ... well I think you are ." Kirishima mumbled the last part but smiled "well bro I'm just glad that we'll be able to hang out more at this camp !" He fist bumped the air .

"Shitty hair did you forget that you can't do some of the activities because you failed the test ." He laughed a bit before yawning and went back to looking out the window .

Kirishima pouted before he poked one of Bakugou's cheeks and giggled "chubby cheeks so adorable ."

The blondes face immediately went red again before he stood up and shouted "my fucking cheeks aren't chubby shitty hair !" He scowled at everyone as they were whispering and the girls were giggling before he sat back down .

Kirishima burst out laughing before he whispered to Bakugou "I love you Katsu ." He then leaned back into his chair .

Bakugou blushed a bit but smiled "I love you too Kiri ." He yawned again .

Eventually Bakugou had fallen asleep and his head made its way to Kirishima's shoulder .The shark boi tried his hardest to not scream and jump for joy . As the sun set and the noise went down Kirishima had fallen asleep as well with his head resting on Bakugou's .

While the couple slept a certain pink alien had noticed them and smirked as she pulled her phone out and took lots of cute photos before going back to her seat .

Meanwhile in class C's and class B's bus the girls had started talking and giggling which caught the traitors attention as they wanted to know what was going on . They felt their phone buzz and looked at it only to see a very cute picture of Bakugou and Kirishima sleeping .They smirked and sent it to Tomura who seemed very happy at this new relationship .

Magical time skip bought by my love for Bakugou ❤️💥

It was late at night and the class was eating ,every once in a while Kirishima would look over at Bakugou .One of the times he looked Bakugou just happened to be looking at him as well ,the red head smirked as he blew him a kiss which only made Bakugou blush as red as his boyfriends hair .Kirishima tried to stop his laughter and went back to eating .Once it was time to sleep they all got into their tents ,as the tents were big 4 students slept in each tent .In one tent was Bakugou ,Kirishima ,Denki and Sero and they laid on the floor in that order .They all went to sleep but Kirishima couldn't help but stare at Bakugou as he was convinced that Bakugou was asleep ... he was wrong . "Shitty hair stop staring ." He grumbled as he looked at Kirishima .Kirishima blushed bright red and laughed nervously .

"Sorry Bakugou ." He started to lean in and Bakugou couldn't help but lean in too .There lips were inches apart when suddenly Denki sat up .

"Hey Mina give me back my pie !" Denki shouted in his sleep before he laid back down and continued to sleep .Bakugou and Kirishima immediately moved away but sighed once they realised Denki was just sleeping .

"I'm gonna kill that Pikachu ." Bakugou growled as he laid there with his fists clenched ready to punch someone specifically the pikachu .

Kirishima chuckled before smiling at him "I should have warned you that Denki does that me and Sero discovered this at our first sleep over with him ." The shark boi leaned over and kissed Bakugou's cheek to calm him down and it worked .Bakugou blushed immediately but sighed then smiled which melted Kirishima's heart .Kirishima then put his hand on Bakugou's and felt the blondes hand relax before Bakugou surprised him by entwining their fingers together .

"Thanks Kirishima ." Bakugou looked at Kirishima and smirked before he gave him a quick sweet kiss . "Night shitty hair ." He smiled and closed his eyes still holding his hand .

Kirishima whispered while blushing "night Bakubro ." He looked over at Bakugou one more time before he shut his eyes to sleep .It was peaceful in the tent now and the couple almost fell asleep until Denki shot up and shouted in his sleep again .

"That's it your dead sparky !" Bakugou shouted before sparks started coming from his hands . This cause the other three boys to wake up and Denki to run out of the tent .

"No Bakugou I'm so sorry please don't kill me !" The pikachu shouted and continued to run as he failed to deter the angry hedgehog .They ran around while being chased by Sero and Kirishima .As none of them are very quiet they managed to wake everyone else up .As Bakugou was about to punch Denki he was restrained by Aizawa "why can't you guys just sleep ." He groaned as scowled at the four of them . Eventually everyone else went back to their tents and they slept till the morning .

In the morning most of the class was doing the activities while the others were learning with Aizawa .They continued training and learning until it was night time .This was when most of the class was with class B and they were walking through the forest .A couple minutes later disaster struck as the two classes were attacked by the villains .

You guys know the drill and I'm sorry but I'm too lazy to write it ʕ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ

The hero's had failed and Bakugou was re captured as him and Kirishima failed to grab each other's hands .Bakugou woke up in his new room and sat up immediately "Kirishima !" The blonde looked around and clenched his fists and he walked towards the door ,but he didn't open it .This is because he heard laughter in the corner of the room he immediately turned around but had a hand on his throat .

"You move and you die ." Tomura laughed a bit before smiling .Tomura pulled his hand away when he was sure that Bakugou wouldn't attack .

"What do you want !?" Bakugou growled and turned his attention to the people standing behind Tomura .

"We want you to join us ." The small blonde girl with a crazy smile said as she played with her knife .

Bakugou laughed and was about to say something when Dabi came out of the shadows .When the blonde looked at Dabi he stayed quiet ,out of all the villains he hated him the most as he was the one who took him through the portal . "And if you refuse I'll pay your boyfriend a visit ." Dabi smiled as he saw Bakugou's fists and jaw clench .

Bakugou's has a mix of emotions anger ,sadness ,confusion and worry but mostly anger .However he knew what he had to do ,he looked up at them "Fine just ... just leave Kirishima alone ." He then looked at him with a look that sent shivers down the villains backs . "Or I will kill all of you ." And Bakugou meant in .

Bakugou sat on his bed and stayed in his room till the morning .Kirishima was also awake all night but he was crying "I'm sorry I'm so sorry Bakugou ." He hugged his pillow before he looked at his phone and the pictures Mina had sent a day earlier ."I'll save you I promise ."

I am so sorry guys I've just had massive writers block but here's the new chapter
*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*
Bye guys see you in the next chapter 💥❤️

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