~chapter 7~

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Weeks later Bakugou was back at school and everything went back to normal. Except the duo were 'out' as a couple now and everyone was extremely happy for them. Mina, Uraraka and Hagakure were fangirling while the rest of the class were just smiling and congratulating them. Classes went on as normal ,the dorms went on as normal and life was normal. As normal as it could be. However there was still one problem to deal with ... Shinso .

The purple haired boy was currently locked up with quirk blocking handcuffs ,so they could question him without being brain washed. Aizawa and All Might went down to the police station were they were going to go interrogate him .When the two hero's got down there Shinso looked up at the two with a sad expression on his face .

"Shinso Hitoshi ,quirk brain wash ... what happened ." All Might looked at him with a pleading expression while Aizawa just looked at him with a blank expression on his face .

Shinso sighed and looked down "I can't go back ... might as well come clean ." The purple head looked up at the two teachers before taking a deep breath. "When I got my quirk I was ... bullied, told it would be better if a villain had it ,it was more suited for a villain ... that I should be a villain ." He scratched the back of his head before continuing "I fell into the darkness and I was considering .. bad things from bad thoughts but Tomura and Kurogiri found me and I thought why not give the people what they wanted ." He took a breath "so I joined them we made plans and when the time came I used my quirk on Bakugou to get him to do what we wanted ,but I don't know exactly why they want him ."

Aizawa sighed "Katsuki Bakugou is a very stubborn student what exactly did you use against him to keep him with you ." He questioned the boy without fear of being brain washed .

Shinso chuckled before looking at the hero's "Kirishima ,you know the boy with the spiky hair and the hardening quirk ,yh well him and Bakugou were secretly dating at the time and I found out so I told Tomura and Kurogiri ." He explained with a small smirk on his face .

All Might was starting to get angry how dare they use someone that young Bakugou loved against him ,Shinsou was truly presenting himself as a villain but All Might believed that there was still good in him .

A couple minutes later the two pro hero's had finished their questioning and left to go tell principle Nezu and other teachers what they found out .

While that was going on Bakugou and Kirishima were in Bakugou's dorm room doing some homework. "Oi shitty hair how is your side feeling ?" The blonde was referring to when he was under Shinso's control and had set off an explosion at the hard bois hip .

Kirishima looked at the explosive boy while balancing a pencil on his nose "Oh it's fine I should be asking how my boyfriend is feeling I mean you were the one in hospital ." The red head glanced at the blonde only to have Bakugou leaning over closer to Kirishima's face. The shark boy smirked and closed his eyes expecting a kiss when he ended up with being hit on the head .

"I'm perfectly fine shitty hair and you should be doing your work not playing with shitty pencils !" Katsuki growled and leaned back against the wall behind him .

Eijiro pouted While rubbing his head "I was taking a break and my hair isn't that different from yours ." The red head got an idea as he climbed on the bed and got close to the blonde "a kiss better would be great though ." Kirishima flashed his bright grin to his boyfriend before puckering his lips .

The explosive boy rolled his eyes before grabbing the hard bois chin roughly and pulling his face towards his own before Bakugou kissed him .Now their position wasn't  the most innocent of positions. Bakugou was up against the wall still holding Kirishima's face with his legs out straight and separated. While the shark boy was in between Bakugou's leg with his hands on either side of the blondes head .

This was pure bliss to the couple of course it had to be ruined by another blonde ,a black haired boy and a bright pink floof. "Hey Bakugou ! Can you have a look at our hom-shit ." Mina stopped mid sentence at the sight before her. The blonde and red head pulled away immediately but not in time before Denki and Sero took lots of pictures .

"You guys are dead !" Bakugou shouted before he leapt from his bed. The trio ran for their lives as they were being chased by an angry blonde. While all of that was happening Kirishima's face matched his hair perfectly but he had a big smile on his face .

A couple minutes later Bakugou had caught the trio and got their phones ,he then deleted the photos. Not before sending the pics to himself. The explosive boy then threatened the trio's lives and made them swear to knock before coming into his room again ,and of course they all complied. After dinner everyone went to their dorm rooms to go get some sleep .

A certain shark had snuck out of his room and into his boyfriends room where he found said boyfriend tossing and turning. Every night since Bakugou was in hospital he was having nightmares ,and Kirishima was the only one who could calm him. The red head pulled the covers up before getting into bed with his boyfriend and spooning him. Eijiro entwined their fingers together and listened as the blondes breathing started becoming more even. Kirishima peppered kisses over Bakugou's shoulder ,back of his neck and snuggled his face into the blondes shoulder/neck. This made the blonde wake up but he woke up with a smile on his face "thanks Eijiro ."

"No problem Katsuki .. I love you goodnight~" The red head propped himself up on his shoulder while looking down at the blonde .

"I love you too ." Bakugou looked at Kirishima before leaning closer and kissing him goodnight. After their sweet kiss Kirishima went into their original position before they both fell asleep .

The two young hero's continued dating and eventually became hero's ,fulfilling their dreams .


Ahhhhhh it's now finished QwQ so sad but don't worry I will be making another KiriBaku story but not before I've explored other fandoms and ships such as TodoDeku ❤️💚 and TodoBaku❄️💥 . Anyway thanks so much everyone for reading my first KiriBaku 💥❤️ story I really hope you guys enjoyed it and I will see you in my other story's .

Baiiiiiiiii for now *:..o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

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