~Special 3k chapter~

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It's special chapter time thanks guys for all the views and votes it really means a lot. Anyway time to begin ʕ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ

5 years later ❤️💥
Bakugou was making his way back home from work ,he was tired and sore from over using his quirk against villains. The blonde kicked his front door open to reveal a red head with his quirk activated and ready to attack. But at the sight of his husband Kirishima smiled and deactivated his quirk ,"Katsuki shh yo-!" The shark boy was cut off by the explosive boy crashing his lips onto his.

Bakugou was hot and tired but didn't care he wanted Kirishima now. And Kirishima didn't resist he loved it when Bakugou was like this ,so he shut the front door and they made their way to their bedroom still making out.

Eijiro ripped off the top half of Katsuki's hero suit before pushing him down on the bed. Bakugou pulled Kirishima down on top of him before burning Kirishima's top and apron off (he's not a house wife he just didn't have work today). Their make out session got more heated and passionate as they both started taking off the rest of their clothes when their bedroom door opened. "Dad's what are you two doing ?" The 5 year old blonde girl rubbed her eyes and yawned before looking at her dad's. Luckily they were under the cover so she didn't see anything that would scar her for life.

Kirishima and Bakugou looked at each other mortified before they looked back at their daughter. Bakugou was speechless he didn't know what to say ,fortunately Kirishima had an idea.
"We were just .... wrestling Katsik heh ." The red head smiled nervously at his daughter before looking at his husband.

"Can I sleep with you two .. I had a scawy dream ."The little girl pouted and used puppy dog eyes that she knew both her fathers couldn't resist.

Bakugou sighed "fine just go get your wolf teddy and let me get changed brat ." At the name her father called her Katsik stuck her tongue out at him before running to her room. As soon as she was out of sight Bakugou and Kirishima quickly got changed into their pj's.

"Katsuki you need to stop calling our daughter a brat ." Kirishima sighed before stretching .

"She is a brat a spoilt one ."Bakugou growled at Kirishima which only made Kirishima smirk ,the red head gently held the blondes chin before he started kissing him. The explosive boy pulled the shark boy closer as they kissed. Unfortunately they were cut short when Bakugou was kicked in the leg by a little foot. "Fuck ! you little brat what the fuck was that for !?" Bakugou growled and his daughter scowled at him.

"I want to cuddle both my dads and I can't if you two are kissing ." She pouted and crossed her arms before Kirishima lifted her up and held her .

"Alright let's get some sleep you two ."The red head kissed Katsik on the cheek before laying down with her in the middle. Bakugou copied his daughters pout as he laid down next to her. Katsik smiled as she was snuggled up in between her two loving and very protective dads.

Katsuki smiled as he moved some of his daughters hair out of her face while she slept. His husband smiled at the sight before he booped the blonde on the nose "I love you ."

Bakugou growled before smiling at what Kirishima said "I love you too dumbass ." He leaned over and pecked the red head on the lips before smirking "and we're finishing what we started tomorrow night ."when the blonde pulled away he smirked more at the sight of Kirishima's face being nearly red as his hair.

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