~Chapter 5~

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With all the smoke no one could see what happened to Kirishima . One of those people waiting was Tomura and when the smoke cleared there was Kirishima on the floor unconscious . This made him smirk as he knew Bakugou would be enraged .

Bakugou clenched his fists before he started letting off explosion after explosion at his class mates only when Kirishima grabbed his foot weakly did he stop . The blonde looked down at Kirishima and his eyes went from the soulless white back to their normal red . Smoke surrounded them so Bakugou took the chance ,picked Kirishima up and put him on his back (like in the pic) before he used his explosions to get away to an abandoned hotel .

Once the smoke had gone both the villains and hero's were looking for Kirishima and Bakugou . But alas they could not find them . Enraged Tomura had the villains retreat while the hero's helped civilians, moved rubble and looked for the couple . Eventually they all had to go back to U.A.

Bakugou found a room that was clean and placed Kirishima on the bed before he sat next to him . "What did I do ... I'm so sorry Kirishima ."

The explosive boy was about to cry before he felt a hand over his and he looked at his boyfriend who was smiling . "Wow the great ... K-Katsuki Bakugou apologising .. never thought I'd see the day ." Kirishima gave Bakugou his classic grin signalling that he was ok .

And for the first time in a while Bakugou smiled , the smile that Kirishima loved so much . The blonde leaned down and kissed Kirishima . Kirishima sat up and kissed Bakugou back before he winced and put a hand on his side . This made Bakugou look at Kirishimas side "let me see ."

"No no it's fine Bakugou ." He shook his head smiling but it didn't convince Bakugou .

"Kirishima move your hand now ." Bakugou put a hand on Kirishimas arm but he felt Kirishima tense . This made Bakugou's face become sad and look down as he pulled his hand away "I'm sorry Kirishima .. I-I was under a quirk but that's no excuse I never should hav-!" Bakugou was cut off as Kirishima grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

"Stop it Bakugou I forgive you it's not that bad anyway I'm just glad that I'm here with you ." He then hugged the blonde tightly and buried his face in his neck . The red head took in a large sniff of Bakugou's aroma which immediately relaxed him . Bakugou smiled and hugged him back before he pulled Kirishima into his lap . The blonde then hid his face in Kirishimas chest and did something that no other member of class 1-A had ever seen before , he cried .

He let everything out as he held Kirishima tightly and cried . Kirishima was shocked but immediately kissed his cheek and nuzzled his head . "I-I've missed you so ... so much I didn't want t-to stay b-but ..." He sniffled and wiped his face before he continued "I had no choice they were ... were going to hurt you and I c-couldn't let that happen !" Bakugou took in a deep breath and pulled back to look at Kirishima's face .

Kirishima just nodded and listened before he looked at Bakugou's face and wiped his tears away "thank you for protecting me Bakugou ... but please come back with me we can make sure everyone is safe  ... together ." The red head looked him straight in the eyes before Bakugou grabbed his face and kissed him . Kirishima took it as a yes and happily kissed him back . Both the hero's missed each other's kisses and desperately needed it .

Timeskip to morning

When morning came the two had the best sleep they had in ages . When Kirishima woke up he looked around worried and started to panic as he couldn't see Bakugou until he looked towards the balcony and seen an angel .

Well not really Bakugou was standing there in his jeans and shirtless with the sun shining on him making him look like an angel . The blonde turned and looked at the red head hearing him frantically look around . Katsuki smirked at Eijiro which made Eijiro melt . "Morning Eijiro ." The blonde walked over and sat next to the red head smiling .

"M-Morning Katsu~" he smiled and nuzzled the explosive boys cheek like a little puppy . Bakugou smiled and kissed Kirishima's forehead .

"How'd you sleep ?" The blonde looked at the red head who looked back at him with so much love in his eyes that it made Bakugou blush .

"I slept amazingly ,the best I've slept in ages !" He sighed dreamily before he laid back down and looked up at Bakugou smiling stupidly .

Bakugou chuckled and nodded before looking out the window "me too ." The blonde went quiet thinking about what was going to happen .

Kirishima felt the awkward silence and quickly put his hero suit on well only the lower half but he then looked at Bakugou with tears in his eyes "Katsuki I love you so much and after everything that's happened you need ... I need you to come back with me everyone misses you and wonders if your ok and who cares about the villains and their threats you just need to come back please I can't live withou-!"

Kirishima was cut off as Bakugou gave him a quick and sweet kiss . The blonde cupped the red heads cheek and when he pulled away he rested his forehead on Kirishima's "I'm coming home Eijiro ." He smiled at Eijiro who just smiled back .

FINALLY THEY'RE TOGETHER ONCE AGAIN YASSS 🥰💥Well I hope you guys all liked it ,it was very different for me to write but I hope you guys enjoyed it . If you guys like Fairy Tail and love the ship Nalu go read my story A Princess and a Dragon ⭐️🔥 . Anyway see you guys in the next chapter byeee

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