~Chapter 4~

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Ok ima just put this here cause it's really starting to piss me off now, I never said that Shinsou is in class 1A or 1B and it's really annoying me the amount of comments that keep telling me this! I know that he's not in 1A or 1B and I never said he was so please stop commenting that !

Maybe days maybe weeks however long it was Bakugou felt like it had been a million years since he last saw Kirishima and he hated it . So he made a decision ,he couldn't stand not seeing his annoying yet adorable boyfriend . While everyone else was asleep Bakugou snuck out of his room and went to find his phone .... unfortunately it was in Tomura's room  ... But we all know Bakugou ,he's fearless and stubborn as fuck so he went in as quietly as he could . Every time Tomura moved Bakugou would freeze however he eventually found his phone and immediately went to Kirishimas contact info . He face timed him .

"Come on ...." "Beep beep"

"Kirishima answer ..." "Beep beep"

"I-I need you .." "Beep beep" Bakugou was on the verge of tears until he heard his favourite person in the entire world .

"Hello ?" Kirishima yawned and didn't realise who it was because he was woken up and didn't look to see it was his explosion boy .

Bakugou smiled "Kirishima it's me Bakugou you dumbass !" Bakugou waved his hand at the screen to get the sleepy sharks attention .

Once the red head realised who it was he woke up immediately and smiled "BAKUGOU OMG IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH WHERE ARE YOU I WANNA SAVE YOU I LO-" suddenly he went silent as he seen an angry scratchy man in the background "shit shit shit ."

The blonde was so angry and was about to tell his idiotic boyfriend to shut the fuck up until he heard the creaking of the bed and feet on the floor . He just sighed before smiling sadly at his boyfriend "it's ok Kirishima ... I love you and don't try and save me I don't want you to get hurt .. see you ... soon ... maybe" the face time ended and with it Kirishimas heart broke . Most of class 1-A woke up as they heard Kirishima screaming and crying .

Once the FaceTime ended Bakugou clenched his fist around his phone before he turned to look at Tomura . Tomura just motioned the blonde to follow him as he walked out the door . Bakugou followed him into the bar area and waited as he woke up all the other villains .One by one the villains came out yawning and confused . "Our new member decided to FaceTime his boyfriend while we were all sleeping ." Tomura scratched his neck slowly as he spoke . Once he finished his sentence you could hear whispers among the villains . Except Dabi who just stared at Bakugou . "Who knows what he would have told him ... luckily his loud mouth stupid boyfriend was shouting and wo-!" Tomura was interrupted because a fist made contact with his jaw .

All of the villains gasped as they looked from Bakugou to Tomura . Bakugou scowled and growled at the blue head on the floor "Don't you ever talk about Kirishima like that again !" The blonde then glared at the rest of the villains before he saw a hand coming towards his throat . Bakugou was about to defend him self when multiple purple warp gates appeared diverting everyone's hands . Both Bakugou and Tomura looked at Kurogiri with furious expressions but pulled their hands away . Kurogiri sighed in relief and made his warp gates disappear .

"Don't ever hit me again Katsuki Bakugou oh also ." Tomura put Bakugous phone in the angry boys hand . "Destroy it now ." Tomura began to scratch his neck as he waited for Bakugou to do as he asked .

Bakugou scowled at him "why don't you just do it pasty ?" He held his phone out .

"Because if you don't I'll do the same to Eijiro Kirishima as I'll do to your phone  ." Tomura began to scratch more .

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