Delay Girl

22 3 2

They told me I had dyslexia,
because I s-s-stuttered when I spoke.
But they never thought about asking me:
Are you nervous-
Being in front of billions of eyes?

My dyslexia was real.
Believe me on that.

But so was my fear
for speaking out loud,
into a world I didn't quite fully understand yet.

I'm not stuttering because
my brain is more delayed than yours,
I'm stuttering because of fear.

So forgive me,
if I speak quieter than some,
maybe louder than others.
Stutter more than you
And not as confident as this society wants me to be.

But know
I will be born into something great.
As just like my words,
my birth is a bit delayed.
But I promise you,
After 16 years of doubt;
I will become something great.

But for now,
watch me s-s-stutter.

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