Seo Johnny (NCT) imagine 1

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Linking my arm with jonnys, i slendered happily and overly excited into the big stadium doors which lead into the even bigger gigantic stadium hall. It was the first time i visited such a big game like this one.

Since Johnny and i decided to take a trip to his old hometown in Chicago and visit his family, he wanted to take me to an ice hockey game because he was such a big fan of it and because i had never watched even one game in my life before.

When i told him, he nearly choked on his banana and immediately bought some tickets online for a game.

The flight to America was long but with my boyfriend on my side nothing would get boring and we even had a good time in the over 12 hour flight.

And his family was also so nice to me even though we've met for the first time. I nearly sh*t my pants but johnny just laughed at my nervousness and made me feel surprisingly less nervous.

So at the moment we walked through the whole arena trying to find our two seats which were in the middle but still had a good view.

Excitedly i played with my boyfriends hand and waited for the game to start as i watched the hall getting more and more filled with many many tiny people. It was fascinating watching all the different people cone together for an event who all shared the same interests.

When the players finally entered with big music and cheerleader all around i turned giggeling to johnny at how fancy it all was. "is it every game that there are such less dressed cheerleaders?" johnny nodded laughing.

"trust me, the americans LOVE them the most. Its kind of amusing watching them all drool over them." pointing out some lonely men watching the skinny girls, just dressed in blue bikinis and high ponytails and dancing provocantly with their blue glitter pompoms. I had to bite my lips not to laugh out loud because of the dumb looks.

" you know, you would look much hotter than them in the same outfit." johnny flirted with me while wiggeling his eyebrows. I just laughed, lightly blushing and hit him on his arm. "joohnnyy... Dont! We are in public." he laughed as well and put his arm around me to pull me closer to his chest. He put a light kiss onto my head and let me smile. "they wont understand us anyways." he muttered and together we continued to watch the game, which seemed to start.

It was so much action, i didnt knew where to look at all the time. The puck would move so fast from one side to the other and my eyes shifted autimatically over the whole field. I really began starting to like this game.

Johnny also feevered with his team and cheered ever,time the puck went near the other teams goal or when his team got a point. I watched him chuckling everytime how cute and adorable he was with his shining eyes from excitement. Luckily his team was leading so Johnnys mood was up in the sky and i could see he enjoys watching this game.

"do you like it? Its amazing right?" he asked me smiling cutely and i nodded, interwining our arms once again. "its much better than i expected to be honest. Like its really good." i told him and he nodded in agreement. "exactly y/n! Exactly!"

I laughed at his adorable response. "you know, when i was a little kid me and my friends would sneak out and watch the games secretly from afar with googles. Its funny to think back how obsessed we were." i nodded smiling, trying to imagine small fetus johnny watching ice hockey games with the same shining eyes he had now.

"now you know how all these fangirls of you feel." i joked and he laughed at it. "yeah probably. Just like you right?" he winked and i tried not to laugh but failed. "stoopp"

When the game went on, suddenly there was a romantic music played and the whole stadium was dunked in pink light. On the big screen over the field there was suddenly a big heart frame and the filigrane words 'kissing cam' ontop of it.

I slightly giggled at the first couple being forced to kiss infront of maybe 3.000 people and a lot more on television probably. It was an old couple maybe in their 70s and they were so cute when they kissed.

"aww johnny look hie cutee. Imagine us being on this kissing cam." i giggled and clinged onto his arm. He smiled cheekily giving me a small peck on my ckeek. I smiled and looked back at the screen making ne stop in my tracks and nearly choke when i saw us on it.

It looked like johnny also seemed to have noticed and giggled lightly, looking all handsome and gorgeous. "your wish just came true." he whispered while of course wiggeling his eyebrows, making me laugh and hold my head in his big hands. He slowly leaned in until our lips were touching for just a second and then parted again.

My smile was probably the biggest on the whole world looking at my boyfriend full of love and happiness to have him by my side. "i love you." he told me quietly and pressed his lips once again onto my lips smiling before parting again.

When i watched up to the screen, i surprisingly still saw us on it and terribly blushed as i looked around and saw all the people looking at us. Johnny just laughed and pulled me closer into a warm hug. Well that was embarrassing.

The game went on and we enjoyed watching the rest of the game until johnnys team luckily won 3:1. It really was such a good and exciting experience and together with my boyfriend it was so memorable and we would even tell it to our kids when we were older.

And suddenly the pink light and the romantic music turned on again and me and johnny were shown again how we were currently cuddled up together. I blushed again and hid my head into his jacket.

"And thats our lovely couple who won a free coupon for a whole day at a spa together. Congratulations." the speaker in the hall said and suddenly a woman came and gave us a big envelope with probably the tickets in it.

Totally perplex, we thanked her and smiled overly happy that we even won something free. It got more and more exciting as it went on.

Johnny pulled me on my waist close again and pressed his lips onto mine, we both smiling into the kiss. In situations like this, i realise once again how much i really love my boyfriend and hiw happy i am to have him forever and ever.

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Heeyy so for this idea i thought johnny wohld fit so i took him♥️

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