It Begins... Again

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It was October 2022, and Megan Lisowski was doing exactly what has made her a bit of living legend at Northeastern Pennsylvania University. "Hi I'd like to place an order for delivery please... a party pizza, with extra cheese with meatball. And... and order of barbecue wings, boneless. Large please. And a 2 liter of Sprite. And I have a coupon for a free order of tater tots too... perfect I'll give it to the driver. And it's going to-" Megan was quickly cut off. "This IS going to Thill 102! I'm so glad you know by now," she said chuckling, knowing she's given at least $1000 to each delivery restaurant around the NEP campus. "See you in 30!" she said excitedly as she hung up the phone, going back to watching Netflix as she lounged in her reclining love seat with a bag of cool ranch Doritos.

By the end of Megan's freshman year, she weighed in at a massive 350 pounds, after eating her way up from just over 200 when she started school. Some of the weight was unintentional, but she largely gained with a purpose; to be put on a disability to get the best housing on campus. But as much as she wanted to live in her luxurious Thill apartment, she actually wanted to eat all she ate even more. Because even though for awhile she thought her eating habits would curb off after getting the apartment of her dreams, they've only multiplied, and so has her weight. After growing up to 440 pounds by the end of her sophomore year, Megan now sits well above 500 pounds, and keeps growing. And sitting is exactly what she does for most of the day.

Megan happily reclined eating her snacks as she waited for her massive lunch, one leg taking up each recliner in the love seat meant for two normal sized people. When all of the sudden, the door slammed shut. "I am DONE with going to class," Megan's roommate Amy grumpily yelled as she stormed inside, out of breath.

"You okay girl?" Megan said, mouth half full.

"I had to spend another 75 minutes in a desk that's too small for me, with a teacher that doesn't even let me eat during class, surrounded by people I know are judging me for these damn clothes that don't fit." Megan felt bad for her giant roommate, but deep down was so proud that her lifestyle has rubbed off on her formerly skinny roommate so much. Amy, Megan's once rail thin gaining coach, has turned into a true fat girl, fatter than Megan was at the end of freshman year.

"Welcome to the dark side of being fat, bitch," Megan said laughing. "The food is still worth it though," she whispered. Amy grabbed a half gallon container of ice cream and plopped herself on the girls' oversized couch.

"I didn't think being this fat would make SITTING in class so hard, let alone walking," she said as she shoveled a scoop of ice cream into her mouth.

"Girl my professor makes us raise our hands to get attendance every morning. Just wait until you have arms too heavy to even lift for more than 5 seconds without getting out of breath." Megan reached her arms out momentarily to show off her arms thicker than most girls' thighs. "I'm pretty sure even a fat girl has bigger thighs than my arms are at this point. I literally have no elbow." Megan's arm fat now not only surrounded her elbow but drooped far below it, connecting with her lower arm giving her very distinct arm rolls, something that only the fattest of girls can develop.

Amy pulled out her arms to compare next to her giant roommate, showing her very rounded, jell-o-esque fat arms that still looked miniature side by side Megan's. "I'm... getting there," Amy said, immediately realizing just how small she still was next to her.

"Maybe one day," Megan said playfully with a wink. "I can't believe you aren't even in the 400 club yet. I mean, I'm technically not either but..."

"Oh I will be by the time we graduate. We're eating now more than we ever could a couple years ago." Megan and Amy both looked at the giant trash pile of empty containers for wings, calzones, ice cream containers, bags of chips, cookies, and most of all, pizzas. All from the last couple of weeks that they've been too lazy to even carry out to the dumpster across the street.

"Well if you're joining the 400 club, I'll be getting damn close to the 600 club. I never thought I'd be treating a love seat like a chair, but here we are," Megan said as she dumped the rest of her Dorito crumbs down her throat.

"Wait a second Megan... did you skip class again?"

"I barely want to walk to the dining hall to eat breakfast, and it's like 500 feet away. No way in hell I'm walking across campus to get to a stupid elective class. The notes are posted online, I'll pass." Megan rested thick hands and fingers on her somewhat exposed stomach as she thought about her next semester. "At least we don't have to do this anymore in a few weeks."

"Thank the lord. I know I'm the one with the good ideas, but you really killed it with this one. Registration starts in... 3 hours," Amy said looking at her phone. "My classes are already in my shopping cart. I need to press one button and I'll be set!"

"And then it'll be delivery food for breakfast, lunch, dinner... second dinner... midnight snack," Megan and Amy laughed like two maniac fat girls would. Because like getting Thill apartments years ago, the girls hatched another plan to ensure that their last semester as college students would be their favorite yet. About a year ago, Megan realized that she could finish taking all of her major classes by the end of this semester, leaving only easy electives to take in the Spring. And after telling Amy this, she noticed she could do exactly the same. And for most entry level NEP electives, there are both normal lecture sections, and online only sections. So besides 2 exams a semester per class, Megan and Amy can do all of their classes from the comfort of their own apartment, surrounded by all of the food and Netflix their stomachs and eyes desire.

"Can you imagine how nice it's gonna be to wake up, try to get to the dining hall, eat for an hour... then go back to bed?" Amy said fantasizing.

"Not even feeling guilty about staying up until 3:00am so we can get the night owl specials on take out because we can sleep in however long we want?!"

"Not having to squeeze in those skinny people desks on campus, ever again?!?"

"Not giving a FUCK about how big I get, ever again?!?!" Megan's eyes lit up, just thinking about how much more food she was going to be able to eat now that she didn't even have to worry about going to class.

"We're gonna be huge," Amy said dreamily.

"And we're gonna be happier than ever. If I was known on campus as the fat girl before, just wait until they see me rolling down the aisle on graduation day." The girls both laughed excitedly, without a care in the world about how big they were going to get. Because all they could think about was all of the food, and all of the fun they were going to have spending one last semester together eating all the college take out they possibly could.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Megan's eyes lit up. "Oh my lunch!" Amy looked excitedly. "I guess I could share a bit... but I definitely didn't order for two," Megan said with a chuckle.

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