Chapter 3

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After Alex left, everyone in the dorm just sat in silence, waiting for her return. "What are we going to do in Freya if Marselle allows us to go?" D.C. asked, sprawled out on her bed with Jordan lying down beside her.

"Discover all sorts of Freyan food and eat it, of course," responded Jordan, with Bear nodding in agreement. "I'm sure Alex will have a plan for us if we do visit, anyways, and she should know how much I would love to play tourist," Jordan finished.

Just as he concluded his statement, Alex barged back into the dorm, a huge grin plastered on her face. "Guess what? Darrius said that we can go to Freya, and that we could be gone until the start of next term, which is two months away." She heard a whoop of excitement coming from Jordan, or was it Bear? before she continued, "we can leave anytime we like, and he'll inform all our teachers where we've gone. I think he thinks it will be a good learning experience for you guys."

She snorted at her last words, before Declan took control and yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR? WE'VE GOT AN OPPORTUNITY TO GO TO FREYA FOR TWO WHOLE MONTHS AND YOU GUYS ARE WASTING TIME BY LOUSING AROUND! GET PACKING, EVERYONE!" And at that, everyone got on their feet and scrambled out the door, all eager to pack for their upcoming trip to Freya.

After all the boys had left their dorm, Alex helped D.C. pack all the clothes and stuff that she would need for Freya. She told D.C. that she didn't have to pack that much, because there was always stuff that could be bought in Freya as well. Alex laughed when her best friend compared it to "buying souvenirs", but it was a pretty accurate statement all the same.

Half and hour later, Alex, D.C., Jordan, Bear, Kaiden and Declan reunited in the girls' dorm again, with duffel bags slung around all their shoulders, except for Alex's, who stated that she had clothes and stuff waiting for her in her home in Freya. Chattering excitedly, the six of them made their way down to the library foyer, and thankfully the librarian wasn't at his desk, to D.C.'s relief, for all the questioning they would get from him. However, there were a few students in the library giving all of them curious looks, but thankfully none of them questioned were they were going. They ran down the spiralling library stairs, with Alex in the lead, before reaching the dead end at the bottom. Alex reached out a hand and summoned a library doorway at will, and the doorway shimmered into existence, with a view of a beach house on the other side. "Who's ready for their Freyan adventure?" she asked, her eyes sparkling, before they all joined hands and stepped through the doorway together.

Heh heh, this was meant to be more of a D.C. chapter, but I guess it mainly revolved around the preparations for their trip, so yeah... I guess I'll try again in the future!

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