Chapter 10

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Warning: contains spoilers. Do not read this if you haven't read Vardaesia.


Alex never liked those kind of girls that were stuck-up snobs. Just one look at Avery told her that she was just that. A stuck-up snob. The worst kind. In fact, winning a running race wasn't going to be enough to teach Avery not to mess with Alex and her friends. She needed to think. What was she going to do to get rid of that brat Avery? What horrendous activity was finally going to teach Avery her lesson? A duel? Yes, that might do. But this wasn't Akarnae. This was Freya, not Medora. There were going to be severe consequences for fighting like that. So, what could she do? A duel seemed to be the only way, it was a definite win on Alex's part. She could beat up Avery so bad that the older girl would have no choice but to give up.

"Alex?" it was Kaiden, who was looking at her in concern. She must have been so deep in thought about Avery, that she hadn't been paying attention to what was going on around her. "Alex, are you ok? This was like, the tenth time you tripped, and I had to catch you," he said, with a raised eyebrow.

"Oops," Alex said, having the grace to look sheepish. "I was thinking about Avery," she admitted, not taking her eyes off the ground.

At the mention of the fifth-year brat, all of Alex's friends stopped in their tracks and looked at her. "Hey Alex, what did Avery tell you that caused you to drop her?" Jordan asked, a curious look on his face.

At the memory of what Avery told her, Alex's face paled again and she quietly muttered, "it was nothing." However, no one was convinced, but they all let the subject drop. Alex looked up and locked her gaze with Declan's, who was the only person who heard what Avery told her. He sent her a reassuring wink, but she didn't feel it. She just needed to get out of here. Classes had ended for the day, and the six of them were slowly making their way to the student car park (yes, Alex could drive). They reached the car, and Alex hopped into the driver's seat, with Kaiden in the passenger seat beside her.

Halfway, they stopped at a supermarket to buy groceries and food for their meal later, because Alex insisted that they couldn't have barbeques for two whole months. When they got back to the house, they had their meal- everyone's was different as they each picked out something different at the store- and after that, since it was so late, they decided to call it an early night and went up to shower and sleep. Alex was still troubled with her thoughts about Avery, and later, while she was lying in bed, she couldn't help thinking back to what Avery said to her this afternoon about Kaiden being hers. She was also thinking about how in the alternate timeline while fighting Aven, everyone who was fighting for and against her had died, and how Kaiden had used his last moments to save her before she had gone back in time to save everyone. She couldn't think of losing him again, and she was going to do everything in her power to stop it. Even though Avery was not even a minor threat, she needed to learn what was right. She was so distracted that she didn't hear Kaiden come back into the room after his shower.

"Hey," he said. He noticed her helpless expression and frowned. "Alex, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. She turned over to look at him, and to his surprise, her face was streaked with tears. Kaiden was about to ask her what was wrong again, but before he could, Alex threw herself at him, sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry," she managed to choke out through the tears. "I- I should be stronger than this. But I- I can't," she cried, putting her arms around him. He put his arms around her waist, gently asking her what was wrong. "I know this sounds stupid, but it's Avery. She- she said that she would- that she would-" it was getting harder for Alex to manage a sentence.

Kaiden noticed this and suggested, "Alex, if you don't want to, you don't have to tell me. You know that."

Alex ignored him completely and continued stammering out sentences. "Avery said that she would take you away from me," she said, her tears still flowing.

"Alex, you know I would never leave you," Kaiden started, but he was cut off by Alex.

"And if she took you away, this wouldn't be the first time I would be losing you," she wailed.

Kaiden was confused. When had Alex lost him before? He would never had left her. He tightened his grip on her at her words, but before he could ask, she managed to explain, if not in heart-wrenching sobs.

"In- in the final battle against Aven," she started, slightly tripping over her words, "he- he killed Xira and- and ate his heart," she gulped, but forced herself to continue. "He was so powerful after that, he- he killed everyone with a shockwave. You. Jordan. Bear. Declan. Dead. Roka. Kyia. Zain. Dead. Darrius. Fletcher. Karter. Hunter. Dead. Humans. Shadow Walkers. Dayriders. Flips. Jarnocks. Meyarins. Dead. All dead. My parents. Dead. Dix. Dead. The Ronnigans. Dead. Everyone I love—dead, dead, dead. A field of death surrounded me. And I alone had survived, all because you had used your last moment to protect me, to save me. I travelled back in time- Athora opened a gate in time and sacrificed his life to make it, just so I could save everyone I care about and so I could prevent those events from happening again."

Kaiden was frozen with shock. He had no idea that this had happened, he had no idea of what Alex had to face to get to where they were, today. He knew she didn't want his sympathy, so he just turned off his bedside lamp and lay down, holding Alex in his arms and kissed all her tears away, until she fell asleep, her breathing slightly ragged from crying so much. So he held her, in the strong, protective circle of his arms, until he too fell asleep.

Long chapter today! Actually, it's the longest chapter by far. Writing this wasn't really that difficult; I hope y'all enjoyed!

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