Chapter 15

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Bear liked The Sound of Music. It was now his new favourite movie. It was even better than some of the sci-fi movies he'd watched in Medora, and those ones had been good. But this? This was even better. He imagined the rest of his family watching The Sound of Music back in Medora, and how much they'd like it. They had all finished watching the movie, and everyone had loved it, even Jordan (though he liked it much less than the rest of them; he couldn't keep still and said it was boring). Since it was now almost ten pm, they decided to call it a night and go to bed. Bear reluctantly got off the warm, comfy sofa and trudged upstairs to the guest room he was sharing with Declan, to find that his roommate (unless you want to call it something else) already waiting for him inside. With a tired smile at Declan, bear went into the attached bathroom and brushed his teeth and changed into his pyjamas. When he came out, he found the main light off, and Declan lying underneath the covers, with his bedside lamp on.

He smiled as Bear sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey B," he said, before opening his mouth in a huge yawn.

Bear smiled softly before ruffling Declan's shot, cropped hair. "Maybe you should get some sleep," he told the older boy, before leaning over to turn off the bedside lamp. "Besides, I think I'm overdue for some good sleep too," Bear said, turning over on his side to face Declan.

He suddenly felt Declan's hand come to rest upon his own. "Yeah," Declan mumbled, before he closed his eyes and was silent. Bear smiled and closed his eyes, and it was only moments before he drifted off into the blissful embrace of sleep.

* * *

The next day, after a quick breakfast and an even quicker shower, Alex drove them all to school. Since it was about a fifteen minute drive, Jordan and Bear decided to entertain themselves by singing songs, playing "Would You Rather" and pestering Alex (the driver) with questions like if she could teach them how to drive (that part was mainly Jordan, but still). D.C. tried to get them to stop, as she was paranoid about the fact that Alex could get distracted and they could crash. Kaiden was minorly worried about that too, anyone could see that, and Declan was finding it funny that Kaiden was getting worked up over Jordan and Bear pestering Alex. Fortunately for Kaiden and D.C., Alex was practiced in the art of ignoring her two best male friends, and their car journey went by smoothly without any issues.

When they arrived at school, joking around and laughing, they went into the school building and all went to their respective classes for the morning. It would still take them a little while to get used to the fact that all their classes were age-based, so it was nothing like what they were used to back at Akarnae. So far, Bear's day was going perfectly fine, and he found it interesting to learn about Freyan history and languages and culture. It was nice to have a change of scenery (both literally and metaphorically) from Medora.

It was now the start of lunch, and Bear was waiting for the rest of the group to join him in the cafeteria. The rest of his friends had slowly began to join him; D.C. was in his last few classes, so she was waiting with him. It was only after everyone had joined them did Bear see her; Avery, the platinum-haired devil. She was sashaying towards their table with a bunch of her "minions", as he and his friends liked to call them, and some fairly good-looking dude alongside Avery herself. Hmmm... Bear thought. He only knew this would mean trouble.

When Avery reached the table, she rested her elbows on the top and leaned in close to where Alex was sitting. Bear's first female friend looked disgusted at what the Freyan girl was doing, and her reaction would have otherwise been comical if everyone else wasn't feeling the same. "Sooo," Avery drawled, her gaze lazily flitting over each and every one of them before coming to a rest between Alex and Kaiden. "Are y'all enjoying your time here at Oakwood High?" she smirked, before jabbing a finger in Alex's direction. "You, Alex, or whatever your name is, come over here. We need to talk." She led a very confused Alex over to one side of the cafeteria, and everyone couldn't help but worry for one of their best friends.

OK, chapter 15 done! I think that was definitely one of the longest chapters so far. We got a slight bit of Stironnigan in the first half, and also, I have published the first two chapters of my HTTYD/TMC crossover fanfic, so if you're interested in that, you should check it out! The story is called "A Trip Through Time" and, in my opinion, the title gives away quite a bit. So enjoy!

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