Chapter 20

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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. There was some sort of buzzing sound coming from Alex's pocket, where she kept her Com TCD. Buzz. Buz- having had enough, Alex yanked the device out of her pocket and stared at the screen. A caller ID was named on the device's screen: Bear. She answered it, switching the call to hologram mode, smiling a little when a tiny holographic image of her friend projected outwards. However, he didn't look that happy to see her, as he had a grim expression on his face.

Just as Alex was about to say "hey", she was interrupted by Bear, who gave a very curt "you need to come over here, Alex." When she asked why, he only shook his head and said, "I can't explain it on this call. To many dangers." The last Alex saw of him was his finger coming up to disconnect the call. Kaiden and Evelyn, who had been standing behind her the entire time, looked over at her curiously.

Taking charge, Alex decided that she must find out what Bear was talking about. However, she really wanted to introduce Evelyn to Darrius, so she made a decision. "Kaiden, I'm going to need you to take Evelyn to see Darrius. Tell him that I would've come myself, but something came up last minute." Kaiden gave a nod on confirmation before Alex continued. "As for me, I'll use a doorway to travel to Woodhaven. Kaiden," she said, looking over to her boyfriend, "do you have extra bubbledoor vials just in case?" When Alex was satisfied that they all had what they needed for their separate journeys, she outstretched a hand, willing a doorway to appear before her, and one did. She gave a quick mock-salute to both Kaiden and Evelyn before running through it.

When she came to, she was standing on her feet in front of Bear's house, the sweet aroma of Gammy's apple pie wafting through the open windows. However, even from a distance, she knew that something was not right about the place from the moment she landed. Alex quickly made her way to the front door, and before she could lift her hand up to knock, the door was swung open by a very distraught-looking D.C., who swiftly ushered her in and onto one of the sofas around a coffee table, where Bear, Jordan, Declan, Blake and Jeera were sitting. Wait... Jeera? Alex knew the warden was usually very busy during work hours, and the fact that she was currently sitting across from Alex with a grave expression on her face was not a good sign at all.

"So," Alex started, plonking herself down on one of the Ronnigan's sofas. "Why did you call me here so suddenly? What's wrong?"

Jeera didn't hesitate before answering the question. "Not long ago, a forbidden intruder has been detected entering Medora, when they shouldn't be in Medora at all." The warden paused, looking Alex dead in the eye. "The intruder has been exiled from Medora for a few years now, and until now, they haven't tried entering our world."

Something Jeera said didn't sit right with Alex. "Wait a second, what world did they come from? If they were exiled from Medora, where did they go?"

Jeera was fiddling with her thumbs and the rest of Alex's friends looked down at their laps. Blake continued, "this intruder we're talking about was exiled to Freya, Alex. The world you just came from." Seeing the blank look on Alex's face, Blake explained further, "which means that the intruder must have come through from Freya with you and your friends." Blake stopped talking, giving Alex a few seconds to work it out on her own. If the intruder slipped in through the doorway with Alex and her friends... No, it couldn't be, could it? But there was nobody else there... It must be...

Finally comprehending the truth, Alex closed her eyes. "Oh."

Yeah, um, I don't know what to say to you guy now that I'm finally updating again. I don't think a plain and simple "sorry" will cut it, will it? But seriously, I truly am sorry to those of you who have read this story from Chapter 1 when I had no idea where this was going (I still really don't know, but I'll figure it out eventually)... Anyways, I want to let y'all know that updates are going to be waaaaaaaaaaay less frequent than they used to be, so you may start to give up on this already, and that's fine with me. One last thing: thank you to all of you for supporting this story. You have no idea how much this means to me, and to tell you the truth, you guys are the reason I've started to slowly start updating again (I hope). Also, please don't get mad at me IF I decide to stop updating the story halfway. I'm not saying I will, but just this is just a precaution. Thank you all and I hope you enjoyed! 

P.S. I have the next few chapter (sort of) planned out, so they SHOULD be coming your way in a bit.

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