Chapter 11

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Avery (OH YES!)

Avery woke the next morning feeling fantastic. She was going to crush Alex in this running race. Ha! Who does this Alex chick think she is, waltzing into this school, with all her little friends (and her smokin' hot boyfriend), and think that she can challenge me, Avery McCarthy, the fastest runner in this school, to a FREAKIN' RUNNING RACE!? She really needs to keep her ego in check, Avery thought.

As soon as she had packed her bags for today's specific classes, Avery was out the door in a flash, running down the street towards school (you see, she only lives a few blocks down). She arrived at school within five minutes, but she was surprised to see Alex and her friends at school so early. Avery glared at Alex, who met her gaze coolly and just nodded in response. Kaiden glances over upon seeing Avery, but he just narrowed his eyes and looked away. Kaiden was gorgeous, all the girls could see that. And just like all the other girls, Avery wanted Kaiden to be hers. But unlike other girls, Avery had an actual plan to make that happen.

So far, Avery's morning classes had blurred by, as she was busy focusing on the upcoming race. When lunch came around, she grabbed a quick lunch at the cafeteria before gathering her friends and heading towards the field.

"Avery, aren't you at least a little bit nervous?" asked Brittney, the tall brunette fidgeting with the end of her shirt.

"Nope." Avery replied, popping the p. "Why, Brittney? Are you?" Avery inwardly snorted, mentally laughing at Brittney. Why should she be nervous? She wasn't even running, for Pete's sake!

"Um," Brittney started, looking down at her feet, "yeah. I guess I am a bit nervous for you, Ave." the taller girl looked up and finished, "We all know that you're going to beat the hell out of that Alex. Who does she think she is anyway?"

Brittney's last comment was met with a series of murmurs, until a voice behind her spoke. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Avery," Jordan drawled, before earning an elbow in the ribs from D.C. and a sharp look from Alex, but still ignoring both before continuing, "you do realise that you're going to lose this race, don't you? So why don't you just back out of it now before you end up humiliating yourself even further?" At this, D.C. had to step on his foot, hard, before he finally got the hint.

Avery stood listening to what Jordan was saying with darkening features, before Alex intervened. "Enough, Jordan." She then looked over to Avery and said, "we were just going down to the field. I'm guessing you're on your way too?" Avery nodded and she continued, "great. Then let's get this race done with."

Avery and Alex took their positions at the starting line. It was a four hundred meter track, and they were to run three laps around it. Kaiden was the referee, and he had somehow managed to acquire a whistle, which he was going to use to start the race. Many students had gathered around the track, and even if they didn't know the full reason behind the race, they were glad to have some form of entertainment.

Avery glanced at Alex and caught her gaze before snarling "may the best runner win."

"Alright!" Kaiden yelled. "Runners get ready! On your marks, get set, and... GO!"

Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a while. I was having a bit of a break from writing. anyways, there was chapter 11, and I'm letting you guys know that I while I will still be updating, I won't be doing it as often, so please just give me some time. Thank you all for supporting this story; I didn't actually think it would be this popular yet!

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