03 - puff

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03warning(s): more weed talk and smoking

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warning(s): more weed talk
and smoking

Mickey doesn't know how Adam manages to get into so many messy situations. He likes to joke that it's because Adam is straight, and straight men are really a disappointing species altogether. Like, for instance, right now Adam is displaying all the bad qualities of a straight man: he's pushing aside women's feelings for his own.

"Adam, she has a boyfriend." Mickey has drilled the concept into Adam's head many times, but the boy thinks he can get any girl to fall at his feet.

"Yeah, which means they can break up at, like, any time." Adam reaches into his bag and pulls out a poorly-rolled spliff.

Mickey never understood how Adam — the one who introduced him to cannabis in the first place — can't roll spliffs properly. Adam's parents are these extremely chill hippies that moved to the Isle of Wight after the famous festival there. Adam learned how to roll a spliff after watching his parents do it. During third year, he became friends with Mickey and taught him how as well.

Mickey is so much better than Adam, so usually he just rolls the spliffs and lets Adam do the lighting.

The two of them sit just inside the seam of the Forbidden Forest, away from any watchful eyes. Most Saturdays are spent like this, and so far, no one has found them out yet. Especially not Roman, who likes to shadow Mickey and make his life a living hell.

The Forbidden Forest and the quidditch pitch are two places Roman definitely won't go, so naturally, they're Mickey's favorite places to be.

Mickey takes the spliff from Adam and places it between his lips. "Why do boys think they own the women they like anyway?"

Adam scoffs. "We don't think we own women we like."

"Yeah, you do," Mickey says, "You act possessive over Anna, James Potter and Severus Snape act possessive over Lily Evans. Can you guys ever chill? I mean, my brother acted the same way with all of his girlfriends. It's annoying and wrong."

Adam huffs. He picks at the black nail polish Mickey applied for him just yesterday. "I'm being a perfect gentleman, don't worry. Also, Anna thinks the nail polish is hot, so thanks for letting me borrow it."

Mickey kind of hates Adam sometimes. Not all the time, because he can be a really lovely friend, but other times he's just a dick. Mickey wants to remind Adam that he's not allowed to wear nail polish, because if Roman saw it, he'd make sure Mickey never wanted to wear it again.

Adam can do whatever he wants. Adam won't get called a rude name or get a good ol' beating behind the greenhouse. Adam can wear nail polish or makeup and be called cool, while people like Mickey, or Sirius Black, or Remus Lupin, or Anita Tombs, or any other person who isn't straight get picked on or bullied or hexed. It's different for him.

Mickey takes a long drag of his spliff and leans against the tree trunk. He's trying to stop thinking so hard about things like double standards and straight boys and how to treat his girlfriend when he doesn't even want one for goodness' sake. "Just... think of her first, okay? Just because she thinks your nail polish is hot doesn't mean she's gonna break up with her boyfriend over it. And don't give her crap when she doesn't go running to you, alright?"

Adam blows smoke into Mickey's face and laughs about it afterwards.

Mickey thinks he needs new friends.


James is certain he has the best friends in the entire world. It's Remus' seventeenth birthday, so they've taken it upon themselves to schedule a secret meeting in the room of requirement.

Now James is nursing a glass of fire whiskey; his eyes are stinging from Remus and Sirius' cigarette smoke. His heart is full, as is his stomach, because Peter smuggled a ton of food from the kitchens.

They've skipped evening classes in favor of getting drunk. Well, James and Peter are getting drunk. Sirius and Remus are smoking. Right now, they're trying to convince Remus to ask Thalia Sibal to Hogsmeade.

"She wouldn't want to go out with me," Remus says matter-of-factly. He snuffs his cigarette butt into the ashtray Sirius brought up. "Even if she said yes, it'd probably just be out of pity, since it's my birthday weekend and all."

Peter hiccups. "Have some more confidence, mate."

"Yeah," James pipes up. "Thalia is pretty fond of you. I don't think she'd say no."

Remus huffs. He looks resigned, and a little exhausted. James knows he's still trying to get his strength back from the last transformation. This entire crush thing can't be good for him right now. "I don't know."

"That's alright, love." Sirius flicks a few ashes off his cigarette and watches the sparks fall before he continues, "You don't have to decide anything right now."

James wants to bring up the admirer notes. He wants to remind Remus that someone is obviously in love with him, and it could definitely be Thalia. Remus is just to blinded by his depleted confidence to notice that the girl practically lights up whenever she sees him.

But Remus hasn't told Peter and Sirius about the notes yet, so he stays quiet.

"I think I'll ask Lily to Hogsmeade," he says instead.

Sirius rolls his eyes and blows smoke into the air, away from the three boys. "You say that every Hogsmeade weekend."

"Yeah, well I mean it this time."


another filler chapter but i kind of want to show the difference in james' and mickey's lives.

for this chapter, their friends and who they hang out with.

also guess what today is a double update !!!!! and the next chapter has a lot of interaction !!!!!

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