06 - pancakes

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Mickey shouldn't have stayed up so late. But it was Friday night last night, and he was given permission by the groundskeeper to practice his quidditch. Technically, the permission was for an "emergency" hufflepuff practice Mickey insisted they needed. All Mickey had to do was promise the team free butterbeers during their next Hogsmeade visit and they would tell anyone who asked that they were there and did practice.

Then Mickey went out alone and worked on his techniques for hours until he was too tired to even carry his broom back into his room. He left it in the changing rooms and decided it could stay there until the next official practice.

Which brings him to this morning, trudging to the Great Hall like it's the last thing he wants to do. He still has on his pajamas — a large sweater he stole from Adam and a pair of black flannel pants. He knows his hair is a mess, and his curls are going in every known direction, but he's too hungry to really care about his appearance right now. He brushed his teeth at least, so he's fine.

Since it's practically considered brunch time when he walks in, most of the people he knows are already going about their day. Adam isn't anywhere to be seen, so Mickey not-so-reluctantly looks around for James Potter, hoping to at least be around someone friendly.

Luckily, James and a couple of his friends are all seated in the far right corner, away from everyone so that Mickey feels a little awkward walking up to them. James seems to be caught up in watching Sirius and Millie, who are in what looks to be a pretty serious debate over something. So, while they're distracted, Mickey slips into the seat beside James and grabs an uneaten piece of buttered toast off of the boy's plate. "What's going on, Jimbo?"

James jumps at Mickey's voice. "How did you sneak up on me like that?"

"I didn't." Mickey takes a bite of his toast. "What are those two arguing about?"

A plate of pancakes appears in front of him, so Mickey busies himself with the syrup while James answers. "They're arguing over who the cutest boy in school is."

Sirius whips around at the sound of James' voice and passes Mickey a wolfish grin. "Mickey! Who is the cutest boy in the castle?"

Mickey pours some more syrup over his pancakes. "Oh, Remus, definitely."

James and Sirius both pout.

"I thought we were closer than that, mate," James mockingly faints back into Sirius' shoulder.

"We've kissed before," Sirius says, sounding betrayed. "And you thought my best friend was hotter than me?"

Mickey's glad Remus isn't at the table right now, because he's a little embarrassed to be talking about this kind of stuff. "Pretty much."

"Remus is pretty cute," Millie chimes in.

"Babe! Not you, too!"

Millie pokes Sirius in the chest. "So you can talk about snogging Mickey but I can't think Remus is cute?"

The two begin playfully arguing again, and Mickey diverts his gaze back to his breakfast.

"You snogged Sirius?" James asks, a bit shyer than usual.

"Yeah," Mickey chuckles. "It wasn't as good as you would think."

James lets out a snort and diverts his gaze from Sirius and Millie to look incredulously at Mickey. "Please don't let him hear you; he's insecure."

Mickey waves James' concerns away. "Nah, I think it was my fault. I don't really like physical stuff unless I'm really into the guy."

"Are you saying you're not into my best friend?"

Mickey shoves a forkful of pancakes into James' mouth and laughs when the boy begins to cough. "Would you make up your mind?"

"Not if it frustrates you," James swallows his mouthful and teasingly sticks his tongue out at Mickey.

Mickey takes a long sip of his coffee before answering. "You are most definitely not my favorite dude, Jimbo."

James sputters, and Mickey loves making these types of jokes because they get the most dramatic reactions out of James. The messy-haired boy hates being second place, so it's fun to tease him. Mickey likes the way James' hazel eyes widen in disbelief as if there's no way on earth Mickey could like anyone more than him.

Mickey decides he won't tell James that he's his favorite person right now. That would ruin all of the fun.

"I can't believe you'd betray me like this," James says haughtily. He makes as if he's about to take an angry sip of his coffee before he turns back to Mickey. His eyes soften, "Are you alright? You have really dark circles under your eyes."

Mickey swats James' arm away as he reaches to touch the circles under his eyes. "Gee, thanks. I'm just tired is all."

"You should go back to sleep," James says in what can only be described as a motherly voice. Gone is the overdramatic and teasing James; he's been replaced by an over-protective parent figure. "Seriously, take a nap as soon as you're done with your food. I know it's the weekend and you might want to have fun but you have Sunday to do–"

"Okay!" Mickey cuts James off. "I was gonna take a nap anyway, sheesh. And I don't have any fun on the weekend unless you count smoking with Adam and listening to all of his girl problems."

James hums happily. His eyes (closed) turn up into crescents and a small dimple appears on his right cheek when he smiles. "Good. Don't wake up until dinner time. Also, next time you want to smoke, you should come find me. We can do something else."

"Why would we do something else?"

"Because drugs are bad." James blinks.

Mickey giggles at James' innocent posture. "I'm gonna start calling you Pure Boy Potter."

"That's horrific. I'd rather be Jimbo."

Mickey stands up and stretches his arms above his head. "I think I like Jimbo too," he yawns, then shivers as his sweater lifts, exposing his midriff to the chilly castle air. "G'nite."

James quickly averts his eyes from Mickey's stomach to his face. He clears his throat. "Goodnight, Mate."


bro-zoned, mate-zoned

leave me a comment pls! they make my day! also let me know what you'd like to see in future chapters! i try to take notes and remember them for later!

also peep the lil graphic i made it's kinda cute :-)

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