09 - pining

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Mickey does as promised and buys his entire team butterbeer for covering for him a few nights ago. It's the last Hogsmeade trip before summer break, just before every student is forced to stay in the castle for a month and focus on their exams.  Mickey wants to do some shopping for summer outfits. He has money saved up; money that his gran likes to send him whenever she's feeling generous. Mickey has always been thankful for being her favorite, because it allows him to look cute all summer.

And that's what summer is all about, isn't it?

He leaves his team with an excuse about getting a birthday present for someone, and makes his way to Honeydukes for some lollipops.

His plan for the summer is to stop relying on his spliffs so much. But since it's his nervous tic, he needs something else to keep his mouth busy when he's anxious. Lollipops should do; and he can share these with his friends.

He grabs two packs of one hundred assorted lollipops and sets them on the counter gently, not wanting to break any of them. "Just these, please."

The cashier rings them up and soon Mickey's walking out onto the sun-kissed cobblestone with a cherry lollipop between his lips. He heads into Gladrags Wizardwear for some new dress shirts. Muggle fashion will have to wait until he gets back home, but for now he can get a few nicer things that only the wizarding world carries.

Adam is in there when he arrives. Mickey is kind of glad to see his friend, although their relationship has been a little strained. "Hey, Adam."

"Mickey! Guess what, dude, I have a date with Anna."

"Piss off," Mickey chuckles. He leafs through the colored robes and ignores Adam's cocky smirk. "She has a boyfriend."

"Which is why we're keeping it a secret," Adam bumps his shoulder against Mickey's and gives him a wink — like Mickey is supposed to congratulate him or something.

"Wait, you're serious? You're an idiot, Adam. I told you not to pursue her."

"No, you said she probably doesn't like me. I proved you wrong, and now we're going to The Three Broomsticks in an hour." Adam looks so awfully proud of himself that Mickey kind of wants to punch him. "I thought you might want to come with us. We're gonna smoke down by the shrieking shack later."

"I don't smoke anymore," Mickey says, rolling the lollipop between his teeth.

Adam scoffs. "Since when?"

"Since today."

"It won't last,"Adam says. "You're not good at breaking habits."

"Piss off," Mickey says again. "You know what? I'll come with you to the Three Broomsticks, but that's it."


James feels a bit awkward sitting across from Lily. It's their first date, sure, but for some reason he thought he would feel more comfortable. He feels like he should be more at ease. Maybe he just doesn't want to mess up in front of her. But then again, he's messed up in front of her before. He's messed up badly.

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