24 - pumpkin juice

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24(warning: sad james)

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(warning: sad james)

James decides to take Benji's advice and give Mickey some space. Maybe a love letter a day is a bit excessive, and besides, it's more Remus' speed anyway.

(It doesn't stop James from keeping a small shoebox in the bottom of his trunk to fill with letters. Maybe one day Mickey will accept them.)

The first quidditch match of the year is today, anyway. Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. James knows he hasn't practiced as much as he should've, but he's spent some time on the field working on his passes and dodges with Sirius, as well as official practice, so it could be worse.

Sirius has his beater goggles pushing his hair back, so that his forehead is completely showing. He's grinning, ecstatic to be on the field again. Millie, is trying her hardest to remind him to eat something substantial before the game, but she gives up after he only takes one bite of bacon before launching back into his excited narrative.

Remus rubs his drooping eyes, annoyed at a game scheduled so early during a weekend, and James can't really blame him. Peter is a bit more alert, and he tries to help Millie by adding Sirius' favorite — chocolate chip waffles — to his plate.

James can't help it — his eyes flit across the hall, looking for Mickey. He selfishly wants the hufflepuff to come and wish him good luck, or tell him he'll do well, and he has nothing to worry about.

But his brown curls and nose ring are nowhere to be seen.

James does, however, see Adam, Mickey's old friend, and he briefly wonders how the boy was allowed back in school after the use of underage magic.

Maybe he got a plea deal.

Wizard law aside, James thinks maybe Adam would know where Mickey is. More specifically, if he's going to be at the game.

Before he can go up to the boy, Adam is striding over to him, looking far too confident for walking up to the boy whose house he essentially tried to break into. "Hey, Potter."

James recognizes the blanket of silence that falls over his section of the table, and he feels weird. "Er, hey. You seen Mickey?"

Adam bites his lip, and he looks predatory. James doesn't know how to describe the look in his eye, but it bothers him — makes him think Adam didn't learn his lesson over the summer. "Thought he would've told you of all people."

It's a trap, James tries to tell himself. But his own curiosity gets the best of him. "Told me what?"

Sirius kicks his shin under the table. A clear warning not to fall for whatever bullshit comes out of the boy's mouth.

James ignores it.

Adam grins his charming grin. "Mickey and I made up." Then he waits a beat before leaning in, like he's about to spill a heavy secret, "and made out."

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