15 - potters

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Mickey thinks about homophobia a lot these days. Mostly because he's with a new family, and has no idea what their stance is on boys who like other boys.

He doesn't even know how James feels really. Of course, he and his friends are rebels in their own right, taking the status quo and turning it upside down. Sirius himself is a proud bisexual, but no one makes fun of him because they know he'll rough them up. Remus gets made fun of for everything, so his sexuality was just fuel to the fire. James and Peter are straight, as far as Mickey knows, but they're close to the other two.

James has never shown any discomfort towards his friends, but Mickey can remember a few times James has acted extremely uncomfortable around him. It brings him into a rollercoaster of emotions, because some days James is all for affection, and then other days he can barely look Mickey in the eye.

Mickey walks in the Potter's back garden on a Saturday morning, running his hands over the marigold petals and picturing himself in an ideal world. One where it would be him, open and honest with everyone about all of his feelings. A world where people were safe to be whoever they want.

He had called Adam this morning, asking if he should tell James' parents about his sexuality (assuming James had been polite enough to keep it a secret.), and Adam had been the usual nonchalant bastard that he is. "You should really stop telling people you're gay. No one likes it, and it makes everyone uncomfortable. You don't want to be homeless, do you?"

Well no, Mickey does not want to be homeless, but he does want to be accepted. He wants to be open and honest and loved regardless.

Mickey has a hard enough time accepting himself. Years of sporadic pain and misery from his father and brother don't just go away. Not to mention his irrational fear that James will one day wake up homophobic and beat him up the same way Roman always did.

But maybe that's just Mickey worrying too much.

"Mickey! Can you come in for a second?" Mrs. Potter's voice echoes from the back door.

Mickey glares at the bumblebee that bumps against his shoulder. "You gave up my location, didn't you?" He whispers, receiving a quiet buzz in return.

Mrs. Potter is so nice. Mickey hasn't met Mr. Potter yet, since he's on some business trip, and he kind of hopes it stays that away. Not that he isn't thrilled to meet yet another middle-aged man who could quite possibly make Mickey's life a living hell, but it certainly isn't on his to-do list.

Mickey approaches the house slowly, and when he finally enters the kitchen through the back door, he sees Mrs. Potter sitting in the living room, applying nail polish to her nails. "Can I speak with you, real quick?"

Mickey thinks of running away. Just getting the heck out of there before he has to succumb to the tortuous words of a woman who thinks his mind is a lot less fragile than it is. He wonders briefly if he should remind her that he is, indeed, a child, and should be treated with gentleness. "Um, yeah. W-What's up?"

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