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The last time Mickey slept at James' side, they were giggling like two children beneath the covers.

James had a flashlight between them, illuminating his face with the harshest of yellow light. And he was speaking lowly, saying something about paintings.

Mickey couldn't help it — never could when it came to James. He leaned over, interrupting the boy, and placed a kiss against his forehead. "Tell me more."

James stuttered his way through the history of Monet paintings, while Mickey littered his face with kisses, then his neck, until small blooms of purple appeared on James throat.

James is cute when he's flustered.
It's one of the only times Mickey can get him to complete silence, but he likes the stuttering more — the quiet profanities slipped in when Mickey uses teeth — the furrow of his brows as he tries to focus on what he was saying.

Mickey soothed the spot with his tongue and settled for nosing his way across James' skin. Feeling him, breathing him in. "I love you."

"Mickey, you're going to be the death of me."


Mickey sucks in a breath at the end of James' bed.

The hospital wing smells like rubbing alcohol and that distinctly burnt smell of healing potions. Mickey takes in James' sleeping form. His hair is wild and unkept, cowlicked in the back.

There's a bruise taking up is neck, and Mickey wishes it was from kisses, and not a harsh bludger.

Mickey runs his knuckles down James' cheek. "You're going to be the death of me."


Unfortunately, "my sort-of boyfriend is in the hospital wing recovering," is not an excuse to get out of charms. Mickey tries unsuccessfully to garner sympathy, but it ultimately is for naught.

He slouches into a seat beside Regulus Black. "Aren't you a year below me?"

"It's a mixed class," Regulus asserts, no judgement in his tone. He eyes Mickey, taking in the circles beneath his eyes. "Potter alright?"

"He'll be fine," Mickey says.

"Will you?" Regulus has a disturbing way of weaseling his way into people's minds. Mickey briefly wonders what else he knows. "Adam's been telling the whole castle that you two fucked in the restricted section. Which I know is false, because I'm always in the restricted section. Also, you have better taste than him."

Mickey's gaze widens. So we fucked now? He frowns. "Adam kissed me and I rejected him. I guess he's taking it worse than he should."

Regulus whistles lowly, keeping his eyes on Professor Flitwick. "He's a git, then."

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