PANIC (request)

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Requested by : becks212sch

panic attack


a sudden overwhelming feeling of acute and disabling anxiety.


Spending time with the guys is fun and really a breath of fresh air. It makes me feel free and almost like a child.

But apart from that being a idol also comes with some bad stuffs too. Like, depression, anxiety, anorexia, etc.

I've panic attacks and depression. My depression isn't that severe as much as my panic attacks are.

For the last couple of days I didn't have any attacks and I'm kind of glad. Cause the boys always getw really worried when I have my attacks and o don't want them to worry to much.

But today it had other plans.

We're all watching some drama when I felt my attack kick in. My heart beat accelerated so much i felt it will burst out. I started to get chilly and pins and needles started forming on my hand. And as a habit I started to scratch my arms and hands furiously, so did my neck.

Suddenly as if I'm dying fear consumed my hole body, I got look around the room clutching my hair and scratching got faster.

I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me, getting warm all of a sudden and pulled into somebody's chest "it's okay (y/n). Everything is fine. Gently breath in and breath out. Focusing my breathing" I heard Tae's heavy voice near my ear, I concentrated on his breathing trying to match mine. The other pair of arm, started to massage my back and ran his fingers through my hair sometimes. I closed my eyes trying hard to focus my mind in syncing my breath with Tae's again.

"Another one?" I heard Jin voice "yea" I heard suga say from behind me, still rubbing my scalp with his fingers trying to calm my nerves.

I let out a deep sigh when I felt my attack subside. "Thanx guys. I'm okay now" I said not moving my head from Tae's chest. I felt Tae rub my back with his hands calming me down more "it's no problem (y/n). Take a nap we'll tell us what happened in the drama later" suga said from behind me "okay" I said and layed down on the sofa, with my legs over suga's thighs and my head on Tae's lap. I let out a sigh and just closed my eyes, doing as they told me.

Tae started to play with my hair, trying to relax and sooth down the nerves and it was working very well. Suga started to rub the sole of my feet, removing away the pins and needles if there were any. Getting this treatment I soon fell asleep.


'you're really something (y/n) glad bangtan has you'

Another short chapter, cuz I didn't know exactly what to write on this. But I did have my fair share of panic attacks (that all happened mid class or in break times, but in school only)

Hope it's okay though!

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