Part 9

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A few minutes after Ant left,Dec got up to go to the toilet.When he opened the bedroom door,he was more than a little bit surprised to hear Ants voice still downstairs talking to his mum and dad.

He curiously made his way down to the living room.

Ant,Anne and Foncey didn't hear him enter the room,they were all sat around the dinner table drinking tea.

"Ant,why are you still here?" Dec enquired.

"Hey baby,I just wanted to speak to your parents about something" Ant smiled,

"About what?" Dec frowned.

Ant could see the worry and concern on his face so got up and engulfed him in his strong arms.

"Don't look so worried baby boy,it's nothing bad" Ant smiled and kissed Decs forehead,

"Come on" Ant held his hand out to Dec and led him over to the table,he sat down cautiously,still totally confused as to what was going on.

"Baby" Ant said "I just wanted to ask your Mam and Dad if it's ok for you to sleep at mine at the weekends,some weekends at least,you're already there all day Saturdays and Sundays just about,so I thought it would be nice.I didn't want to say anything to you first in case they said no and you'd be disappointed and upset"

Dec looked at his parents longingly,they both beamed back at him,

"We said yes" Anne grinned.

"Really?" Dec practically shouted,he ran round the table and threw his arms around his parents,

"Thank you so much" he kissed them both on the cheeks "you're the best!"

He couldn't stop smiling,the sheer look of happiness on his face caused Ant,Anne and Foncey such joy.

"But" Foncey added "it's only for Saturday nights,not Fridays,Friday we want you at home with us,we want to see you at least some of the time"

"Ok Dad,thank you" Dec grinned "this is so brilliant isn't it Ant?"

"It certainly is baby" Ant smiled back.

The following Saturday morning,Dec was beside himself with excitement,eager to get to Ants as soon as possible.He'd packed an overnight holdall and was about to rush out the door when Anne stopped him.

"What Mam?" He snapped frustrated

"I know you're excited Dec,but haven't you forgotten something?"

"What?" Dec couldn't think of anything.

Anne pointed to her cheek,

"Mam!" Dec sighed before moving over and kissing her on the cheek,

"You'll never be too old to give your Mam a kiss goodbye Decky" she smiled,Dec blushed furiously as she stroked his cheek,

"I love you sweetheart,have a lovely time"

"I love you too Mam,see you tomorrow" he waved as she smiled at him through the kitchen window.

As he arrived at Ants,the door opened before he even had a chance to ring the doorbell,Ant knew Dec would be there bright and early,wanting to make the most of every precious minute together.

"Decky" Ant whispered and pulled Dec into a tight embrace.

They went through to the living room where Dec placed his holdall on the sofa,he immediately started rummaging around in it!

He turned to face Ant and held up a brand new toothbrush still in its packaging,

"Look" Dec smiled at Ant proudly,

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