Not That Kinda Distraction

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Brantley woke up to the sound of his phone going off. Rolling over with a groan, he looked at the screen, 3:48 in the morning. K.C was lucky he loved her. Unlocking his screen, he downloaded her picture and studied it. The redhead looked tired, but her whole look was sexy as he couldn't help but smirk a little while he read her message. The tiny cut on her lip, a slightly faded black eye and you could tell she'd been in the dirt. She had her hair in a messy ponytail, his hat covering the top. Propping up on his elbow, he hit reply. Nuthin in this world can make you ugly baby. Maybe stank, but never ugly. Lol. Best sight at 4 in the mornin I've ever seen. Love you. Hitting send and attempting to lay back down, he realized he was now fully awake. Slipping on his track pants and shoes, he decided to go for a walk or maybe a run, he didn't know. They were stuck in Charleston, South Carolina with the day off. Sneaking off the bus, The singer headed towards a bike path that ran along the beach. He had to admit, these summer tours were fun, but the country boy was more than ready to lay back by a creek bed or a lake than these sticky beaches. He was ready for woods and God forbid, mosquitos. Thinking about some song ideas he had, he kept walking along the empty beach. He had to admit, it was peaceful but, his heart kept tugging at the thought that K.C should be there with him. Everything he was doing was going back to her. Brantley had felt more driven since being with K.C than he had in a long time. She was bringing out the best in him and he was riding on cloud 9.

"You look like you could use a distraction." He knew that voice anywhere as he failed to turn around and huffed, "Not at all, and definitely not what you're implyin'." He heard her giggle a little and felt a hand on his shoulder. "She's not coming home Brantley, my daddy's making sure of it." The singer turned around and shrugged her hand off as if it were diseased, chuckling. "K.C's comin home. And no one's gunna stop her. Now stay the fuck away from me." He growled, heading off in the direction he came from without another word. Why did she have to bother him now? And practically prostitute herself to him. How did she know what her dad was up to? Well here's a grand fucking distraction, wondering if K.C was being double crossed. Brantley needed to know and had no way of immidiatly finding out, so he tried sending another text. Got some weird news, if there's anyway you can call me babe, I need you to. Dropping his phone back into his pocket, he kept walking along trying to keep Jana's words off his mind.

    The singer had been walking around aimlessly for about an hour when he heard his ringtone. Cocking an eyebrow, he dug it from his pocket and grinned when K.C's name was on the screen. "Hey baby." "Hey, what's up?" Her voice was slightly hushed, but you could hear her excitement. "I had to climb a fuckin tree to get service." They both laughed a little. "I got your text, couldn't sleep so I went for a walk. We're doin another show in Charleston and here I am, chillin on the beach and Jana comes up behind me. Says I look like I need a distraction. I say hell naw, cuz I knew what she meant. She said her daddy's gunna make sure y'all don't come home. What the fucks goin on Karma?" He heard her sigh on the other end, probably rubbing her forehead in annoyance. "Her daddy is a fuckin traitor Brantley. Every move we've made, every word we've said up until a couple of days ago was being told to the guy we were sent here for. We've got someone else now, someone honest. We're gunna take these assholes out and then I'm comin home. If she says anything else babe, record it, write it, make sure it gets to me. I'm okay though, we're all okay." "I trust you babe. I've honestly been a bit of a mess. But, I've got some good shit for my new CD, you're gunna love it. And no, you can't hear it until you're back here." He heard her chuckle and smiled. "Okay. I gotta go now, I won't have service where were headed again. You still planning our trip?" Brantley smiled, "Yeah, Carolyn and Britt have been helpin me. Got everything but the tickets baby." He laughed when he heard her squeal a little. "Okay babe, I love you." "I love you too baby girl, we all do." Hanging up, Brantley now had even more on his brain. This was not a distraction He wanted. Knowing his girl practically had a hit out on her and her team was going to drive him nuts.

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